Suspending your studies

If you are suspending your studies

When you decide to formally suspend your studies you must complete a suspension form, usually available from your School office.

Postgraduate taught students and undergraduate students

  • Before you submit the signed suspension form back to the School, you must read the information below. If you anything is unclear, you can email us with the details of your proposed suspension, such as suspension dates and any change in anticipated course end date, on so that we can advise you on the possible immigration implications. 

Postgraduate research students

  • Before you submit the signed suspension form back to the school, please read the information below so that you are aware of the visa implications and send your form to the Student Visa Advisers to sign with the visa advice.

If you suspend your studies, your permission to work in the UK may be affected if the University reports your suspension to the UKVI. Please contact Student Visa Advisers for more information if you think you may be affected by this. If you are taking a short suspension that is not reported to the UKVI, your working rights should remain the same, but you must keep to the applicable time limit on working hours stated on your eVisa during term-time. 

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