Contact us
Zoom Drop-in Sessions for Students
If you have a visa related query and would like a quick 5 minute chat with an adviser please come to our virtual drop in service. Please be aware that you may be asked to email the advisers if your question cannot be resolved quickly as this is for quick queries only. Please read the information below regarding how the zoom drop in sessions operate before attending. After reading this information you will find the link to the zoom drop in at the end.
Please note that these sessions are intended for students. We kindly ask that staff utilise email and other channels to help ensure students get access to specialist immigration advice.
The drop-in is currently offered as per the below days and times:
Regular schedule:
- Monday: 10.00am – 11.00am
- Tuesday: 1.00pm - 2.00pm
- Wednesday: 10.30am – 11.30am
- Friday: 11.00am – 12.00pm. Please note that this session will be cancelled on 13 December
We are committed to treating you with dignity and respect which includes handling any information you provide to us sensitively. We are here to support you and we will do our best to help you. We might not always be able to provide you with the outcome you would like, but we will do our best to find a satisfactory solution. When contacting us, we ask that you treat our staff with the kindness and respect they deserve.
Please enter our Zoom Drop-in Session using this link. When you enter you will join the online waiting room and the adviser will see you in the order of arrival. Please be aware that during busy times you may not be seen in the time scheduled and we would encourage you to email us or come to the next session. Please use your full name when you enter and have your student number to hand. If you are able to, please also turn your camera on.
We welcome feedback on our service. Please fill in our survey here.