Your viva (oral exam)
What to prepare and expect from your viva (oral exam).
You will need to submit two electronic copies of your dissertation (thesis).
When they have been appointed, your examiners will arrange a time for your viva (oral exam).
Your internal examiner (or independent chair, if you only have external examiners) will give you at least 10 calendar days of notice.
The viva can be held in person, partly online or fully online. This must be specified on the Appointment of Research Degree Examiners form (Office document, 81kB).
If there has been a change in the arrangements, the Changes to oral examinations and-or appointment of an Independent Chair form (Office document, 64kB) must be submitted.
If someone wishes to attend your viva to observe, you must request this on the ARDE form, section E.
If a person wishes to attend the viva after the ARDE form has already been approved, you must submit the Observers at a viva request form (Office document, 47kB).
If they are given permission to attend, the observer cannot take part in the viva.
Prepare for the day
- Your supervisors will ask you sample questions.
- Borrow viva cards from Bristol Doctoral College by either emailing or visiting their office in Senate House, PGR Hub.
- Practice justifying your research decisions by getting another person to ask you questions.
Exceptional circumstances
If you have an exceptional circumstance that you believe may impact your performance at the viva, you should discuss this with your supervisors.
If you have a disability, discuss exam accommodations with your main supervisor. Your main supervisor can request exam accommodations using the appointment of research degrees examiner (ARDE) form.
Some accommodations may require a Study Support Plan from Disability Services.
If exam accommodations are required, the School PGR Director will inform your internal examiner and/or the independent chair.
If you are ill
If you are ill (or have a personal emergency) on the day of your viva, you should contact your internal examiner (or independent chair if you only have external examiners) to rearrange the date. It is better to rearrange the viva for when you are at your best.
After the viva: examiners report
Your examiners will complete reports to assist them prepare for the viva.
After the viva, they will also complete a joint final report for the exam board.
The reports will be shared with you and your supervisors after the exam board has considered them.
Guidance on corrections
If your examiners recommend minor errors, errors of substance or a resubmission, they will provide you with feedback after the viva so that you can start making the changes.
The exam board may need examiners to change their feedback or may reach a different decision on the outcome.