Your studies
Information about your course and support to help you get the most out of your studies.
Unit information
Search the programme catalogue for full details of your course.
Check your timetable
Check your personalised timetable and find out what to do if you have any problems.
Study support
Develop your study skills and take part in peer-assisted study sessions.
Assessment support
Exceptional circumstances, coursework deadline extensions, and absence from teaching and exams.
Exams and assessments
Find out when your timetable will be published and get ready for your exam day.
View your assessment details and results
View your assessment and reassessment details and results.
Academic year and term dates
Dates for the academic year, including teaching blocks.
Libraries and study spaces
Opening hours and facilities at all our campus libraries and study spaces.
Teaching and learning
Lecture recordings, reading lists and information on how you will be assessed.
Postgraduate research
Bristol Doctoral College and other information for PGR students.
Go abroad
Study abroad for a year or semester, or find summer vacation programmes in countries across the world.
Everything you need to know ahead of your graduation ceremony.