Check your timetable
Check your personalised teaching timetable and find out how to make changes to your timetable or what to do if your timetable is incorrect.
Check your timetable using the University of Bristol app.
Alternatively, view your timetable using a web browser on your laptop or other device.
If you have any problems with your timetable, contact your school office.
Changing units or tutorials
If you want to change the units you are taking or your assigned tutorial slot, talk to your school office. You can check the unit timetable to find out if any new unit you want to take will fit into your timetable.
Incomplete timetables
You are responsible for checking that all your teaching for the units you are registered on appears on your timetable.
You can check your unit registration on Student Info.
It will take at least 48 hours for changes to your timetable to show after you change units. You can check the unit timetable to find out lecture times, and ask your school what small group teaching you should attend. If after three days your teaching still does not appear on your personalised timetable, please contact your school office.
Open units
If you plan to register for an open unit you should first look at the guidance to select open units, where you will be able to check that your preferred units will fit into your timetable.
Lab teaching
Your personalised timetable will show your time slots where you have been scheduled for labs. In some schools, students are assigned a lab slot throughout the year, but may not be required to attend for every session. Also the location of lab sessions may vary during the year. The details of exactly when and where you are scheduled for labs are available from your school.