Details of past research meetings and presentations.
Past research meetings
10th October 2024
Chair - Prof Lucy Selman, University of Bristol
13.00-13.10: Prof Lucy Selman, PEOLC, University of Bristol: Welcome and News
13.10-13.35: Prof David Abbott (keynote), University of Bristol: Conversations about end of life with young men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
13.35-13.55: Dr Tamarin Norwood, Centre for Death and Society, University of Bath: Perinatal palliative care: a narrative approach to making meaning
13.55-14.15: Dr Alison Llewellyn, University of the West of England: Understanding death literacy in a community population to inform hospice services
14.15-14.35: Katie Costello, Soul Midwife, West Sussex: What is a soul midwife? Impacts on patients, staff and the soul midwife
14.35-14.55: Dr Wallace Chan, University of Northumbria: Coping with emotional and existential challenges in working with death and bereavement: A validation study of Self-competence in Death Work in the UK
14.55-15.00: Prof Lucy Selman, PEOLC, University of Bristol: Close
27th June 2024
Chair - Dr Lucy Selman, University of Bristol
10.00-10.15: Associate Professor Lucy Selman (Associate Professor in Palliative and End of Life Care, University of Bristol): Welcome and news
10.15-10.35: Professor Zoebia Islam (University of Leicester and Loros): Working together for change: steps to addressing inequality and inequity in palliative care
10.35-10.55: Dr Lisa Jane Brighton (Cicely Saunders Institute for Palliative Care and Kings College London): Psychosocial dimensions of living with chronic lung disease
10.55-11.15: Dr Alice Malpass (PEOLC Research Group, University of Bristol): Understanding the eco-system of stakeholders and community assets in EoL care and bereavement support
11.15-11.35: Professor Gurch Randhawa (Director of IHR at University of Bedfordshire): Developing an inclusive end-of-life care research network – lessons from KEEPNET:
11.35-11.55: Dr Natasha Bradley (Queens University, Belfast): Integration of palliative care and oncology – A realist synthesis
11.55-12.00: Associate Professor Lucy Selman (Associate Professor in Palliative and End of Life Care, University of Bristol): close
20th February 2024
Chair - Dr Lucy Selman, University of Bristol
10.00-10.10: Dr Lucy Selman (Associate Professor in Palliative and End of Life Care, University of Bristol): Welcome and news
10.10-10.30: Polly Maxwell (PhD Student, University of Bath): Death and dying in the queer family
10.30-10.50: Rachel Davies (PhD Student, University of Bristol): Ethnography of Hospital Admission Decision Making Towards the End-Of-Life: Early findings and reflections
10.50-11.10: Mariam Shwea (PhD Student, Kings College London): Collaborating to Improve Bereavement Support Provision in the UK, Particularly for Refugees, Migrants and Asylum Seekers
11.10-11.30: Dr Bethany Simmonds (Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Aberystwyth University): Negotiating end of life and advocating for the dying: discussing death and post-code lotteries.
11.30-11.50: Dr Sophy Gretton (Consultant in Palliative Medicine, University Hospitals Bristol & Weston): Update on collaborative working in palliative and end of life care across the South West
11.50-12.00: close
26th September 2023
Chair - Dr Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
13.00-13.10: Dr Lucy Selman (Associate Professor in Palliative and End of Life Care, University of Bristol) and Dr Emily Henderson (Associate Professor in Ageing and Movement Disorders, University of Bristol): Welcome and news (PDF, 1,460kB)
13.10-13.35 (keynote): Dr Anna Bone (Lecturer in Epidemiology and Palliative Care, King's College London): Models of palliative care for older people in community settings (PDF, 1,910kB)
13.35-13.55: Dr Katie Lloyd (Clinical Research Fellow, University of Bristol) and Dr Emily Henderson (Associate Professor in Ageing and Movement Disorders, University of Bristol): Delivering and evaluating palliative care within the context of a complex RCT (PDF, 2,987kB)
13.55-14.15: Dr Grace Pearson (Clinical Research Fellow, University of Bristol): Teaching about dying in advanced age (PDF, 2,423kB)
14.15-14.35: Dr Carla Worth and Emma Page (North Bristol NHS Trust): North Bristol Trust Ageing Well Project (PDF, 803kB)
14.35-14.55: Dr Sarah Ibitoye (Acute Internal Medicine and Perioperative Medicine, North Bristol NHS Trust): Using frailty to enhance advance resuscitation decisions (PDF, 846kB)
14.55-15.00: Close
22nd June 2023
Chair - Dr Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
14.00 - Dr Lucy Selman and Dr Lucy Pocock (University of Bristol): Welcome and news
14.10 - (Keynote): Dr Charlotte Chamberlain, Consultant in Palliative Care (University Hospitals Bristol and Weston) & Senior Clinical Research Fellow (University of Bristol): Routine data challenges in measuring quality bereavement support and palliative and end-of-life care: the Weston-super-Mare Consortium
14.35 - Dr Ryann Sowden, Research Support Assistant (University of Bristol): An in-depth exploration of treatment decision-making in advanced kidney disease: Initial findings from the OSCAR study (Optimising Staff-Patient Communication in Advanced Renal Disease)
14.55 - Dr Lucy Pocock, NIHR Doctoral Research Fellow (University of Bristol): What helps or hinders the communication of poor prognosis between secondary and primary care? A systematic review with narrative synthesis
15.15 - Emma Gilbert, NIHR Pre-doctoral Fellow (University of Bristol): Developing a typology of models of palliative care delivery in prisons in high-income countries: a scoping review with narrative synthesis & future research plans
15.45-15.55: Open group discussion: Project updates, news, upcoming work, conferences
15.55-16.00: Close
22nd February 2023
Chair - Dr Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
10:00 - Welcome and news - Dr Lucy Selman and Dr Lucy Pocock (University of Bristol)
10:35 (Keynote) - ‘Theory and practice’: Why does it matter? - Dr Sarah Yardley, Consultant in Palliative Medicine (Central & North West London NHS Foundation Trust), and Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer (Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Department, University College London)
10:35 - Conversation Analysis: Introduction to a method for examining how clinicians make decisions with patients and their families towards the end-of-life - Dr Chloe Shaw, Senior Research Associate (University of Bristol)
10:55 - Evaluating the Implementation of the RCGP & Marie Curie Daffodil Standards in UK General Practice: Progress and Challenges - Dr Stephanie Sivell, Marie Curie Research Associate (Cardiff University)
11:15 - Good Grief Connects: Project 1, Advance Care Planning in South Asian Communities - Dr Olly Clabburn, Senior Research Associate (University of Bristol)
11:35 - What makes dialysis ‘worth it’ for older people with kidney disease? - Dr Barny Hole, Clinical Lecturer and Senior Registrar in Kidney Medicine (University of Bristol)
11:55 - Discussion and close
28th September 2022
Chair - Dr Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
14:00 - Welcome and introductions - Dr Lucy Selman, University of Bristol
14:10 (Keynote) - Simultaneously reassuring and unsettling. Patient, informal caregiver and clinician perspectives of community anticipatory medication prescriptions: a qualitative study - Dr Ben Bowers, University of Cambridge
14:30 - Hospital admissions for the frail and elderly- exploring decision making in primary care - Dr Rachel Davies, University of Bristol
14:50 - Exploring the experiences of forced migrant families, and those who care for them, in children's palliative care - Marie Clancy, University of Exeter
15:10 - The intentional pursuit of everyday life while dying: A longitudinal exploration of working aged adults living with advanced cancer - Dr Julie Brose, NIHR ARC West
15:30 - How can hospices facilitate social support for people with life-limiting illness? - Dr Natasha Bradley, University of the West of England
15:30 - Discussion and close - Dr Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
24th May 2022
Chair - Dr Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
14:00 - Welcome and introductions - Dr Lucy Selman, University of Bristol
14:10 (Keynote) - Bereavement, COVID-19, and mental health: Leveraging a population health perspective to understand clinical and adaptive processes - Dr Christy Denckla PEOLC presentation Denckla (PDF, 2,945kB)
14:40 - Measuring bereavement support needs in people bereaved during Covid-19; the adaptation and development of a Bereavement Support Needs Scale - Dr Emily Harrop, Cardiff University PEOLC presentation Harrop (PDF, 637kB)
14:55 - Provision of culturally appropriate end of life care at NBT - Dr Nipuna Gunawardena, North Bristol NHS Trust PEOLC presentation Gunawardena (PDF, 849kB)
15:10 - Medical Examiner system - Charlotte Clews, Lead Medical Examiner Officer for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire PEOLC presentation Clews (PDF, 350kB)
15:25 - A national survey on approaches to electronic coordination of patient preferences for palliative and end of life care: how widely are systems being implemented and what are they trying to achieve - Jakki Birtwistle & Dr Matthew Allsop, University of Leeds PEOLC presentation Allsop and Birtwistle (PDF, 1,495kB)
15:40 - Discussion and close - Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
2nd February 2022
Chair - Dr Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol
14:00 - Welcome and introductions - Dr Lucy Selman, University of Bristol
15:50 - Discussion and close - Lucy Pocock, University of Bristol