Current research
Current projects
Bajwah S, Mayland C, Selman LE, Harrop E, Randhawa G, Islam Z, Koffman J, Harvey C, Kumar R. Equitable Bereavement Care for All - An inclusive, qualitative study to improve bereavement services for those from ethnically diverse groups. Funder: NIHR Policy Research Programme (£371k, 2023-2025)
Clark E, Pocock L, Paskins Z, Whale K, Peters T, Kariki E, Davis S, Drew S. Vertebral fracture clinical decision tool for older women with back pain (Vfrac) – a feasibility study. Funder: NIHR (£249,999.00, 2022-2024)
McCahon D, Turner K, Pocock L, Payne R, Le Feuvre J, Wilson V, Bolton H. Deprescribing in the context of limited life expectancy. Funder: NIHR SPCR (£149,952, 2023-2025)
Pocock L, Purdy S, Barclay S Selman LE. The SHIPS study: SHaring Information at the Primary/Secondary care interface for patients with a poor prognosis. Funder: NIHR (£471,040, 2020-2025)
Finucane A, Gillanders D, Harrop E, Selman LE, Swash B, Hulbert Williams N, Spiller J Development of an online self-directed Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention to improve ability to cope and quality of life after bereavement, Marie Curie, £155k, 2022-2024
Bailey P, Noyes J, Exley C, Griffin S, Hancock A, Maxted P, Selman LE. Investigating the experiences and management of individuals with failing kidney transplants: preparation for a randomised controlled trial. NIHR RfPB, £161k, 2022-2024
Huxtable R Wellcome Trust Collaborative Award: Balancing Best Interests in Healthcare, Ethics and Law (BABEL) (£1.5M, 2018-2023) – includes exploration of end-of-life decisions
Selman LE Optimising Staff-Patient Communication in Advanced Renal Disease (OSCAR). Funder: NIHR Career Development Fellowship (£760,000, 2019-2024)
Completed projects
Selman LE, Tulsky J. Treatment decision-making in advanced kidney disease: an international collaborative workshop on future directions. Funder: Bristol International Research Collaboration Activities scheme, University of Bristol (£2924, 2023)
Harrop E, Goss S, Longo M, Sivell S, Nelson A, Byrne A, Selman LE, Seddon K. Finding the bereavement support that’s right for you; development of evidence-based resources for people experiencing bereavement. Funder: Cardiff University Joint AHRC-ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (£9.5k, 2022-2023)
Harrop E, Selman LE, Longo M, Sivell S, Goss S, Nelson A, Byrne A, Seddon K. The long-term grief experiences and support needs of people bereaved during the Covid-19 pandemic: cohort survey 4th timepoint. Funder: Marie Curie (£15k, 2022-2023)
Dawson L, Selman LE, Bakhbaki D, Rivett A. Participatory Research Funding 22/23: Co-designing and Broadening the Scope of Grief and Baby Loss Booklet. Funder: University of Bristol (£5.4k, 2023)
Selman LE, Matthews, F, Coast J, Macleod J, Stone TJ, Malpass A, Dawson L, Stone S, Chamberlain C, Ashmore B, Fortier J. Weston-super-Mare consortium: Harnessing community assets to tackle inequities and reduce social isolation in end-of-life care and bereavement. Funder: AHRC (£247k, 2022-2023)
Selman LE, Dawson L, Stone T, Redwood S. Good Grief Connects, National Lottery Foundation, £300k (2022-2024) New research project aims to change how people talk about death and grief
Dawson L, Selman LE, Bakhbakhi D, Rivett AC. Participatory Research Funding: A Qualitative Evaluation of Stillbirth, Neonatal Death and the Grief Journey. University of Bristol, £15k, 2022
Selman LE and Harrop E [co-PIs] et al. Supporting people bereaved during COVID-19: a mixed methods study of bereaved people’s experiences and the bereavement services supporting them. Funder: Economic and Social Research Council (£355k, 2020-2022)
Hole B. The UNPACK study: UNderstanding treatment preferences of older PAtients and their families deciding between dialysis and comprehensive conservative Care for Kidney failure. Funder: NIHR Doctoral Fellowship: (£334,000, 2017-2022 – supervised by Prof Coast, Dr Selman, Prof Morton)
Chamberlain C. Investigating NHS England Enhanced Supportive Care adoption in cancer centres in England: a survey and interview study Funder: UoB Returning Carers Scheme (£10,000, 2018-2019)
Chamberlain C, McNair A, Selman LE, Forbes K, Blazeby J. Identifying research directions in palliative surgery in oncology. Funder: Elizabeth Blackwell Institute. (£1625, 2019)
Woodland H, Forbes K, Verne J, McCune A. Palliative care in end-stage liver disease. Funder: David Telling Trust £2000
Hole B, Selman LE, Winterbottom A, Verne J. Dialysis decisions – getting the right balance. Elizabeth Blackwell Institute. (£1764, 2019)
Huxtable R [co-app; PI: I Lee (Yonsie, Korea)]. National Research Foundation of Korea network grant: BRIDGES (Bioethics Research Interdisciplinary Group (England and South Korea)) (£161K, 2017-2020) – end-of-life decisions is one of its three core themes, for intended follow-on bids
Pocock L, Selman LE, Chamberlain C, Clayton J, Chacon A. South West Palliative and End of Life Care Advisory Group. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (£1200, 2019-2020)
Pocock L, Selman LE, Chamberlain C. Palliative and End of Life Care Research Network South West. Funder: Elizabeth Blackwell Institute - Bioethics, Biolaw, Biosociety Research Strand (£1909, 2019-2020)
Pocock L, French L, Farr M, Morris R, Purdy S. The Impact of Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems (EPaCCS) on Care at the End of Life: A Realist Evaluation. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (£124,000, 2017-2020)
Schofield G, Selman LE, Huxtable R. Ethical challenges in palliative care in sub-Saharan Africa. Funder: Wellcome Trust PhD studentship (£257,333, 2017-2021 – supervised by Prof Huxtable, Dr Selman and Dr Brangan)
Schofield G, Huxtable R, Selman LE. Everyday Ethics: Identifying the Ethical Challenges faced by United Kingdom Palliative Care Practitioners, Patients and Carers. Funder: Elizabeth Blackwell Institute (£1159, 2019)
Selman LE, Stone T. Mundy C, Varley R, Maow M, Aabe N. Engaging disadvantaged communities in Temple Quarter to widen access to palliative care and bereavement support with specific reference to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Funder: Temple Quarter Engagement Fund, University of Bristol (£4,900, 2020-21)
Dawson L, Hay J, Selman LE Creative Grieving. Funder: Brigstow (UoB) (£20,000)
Selman LE, Hay J, Dawson L, Smith D, Straughan A, Ahmed R, Thomas S. Supporting the bereaved during COVID-19: An online festival to support those grieving in isolation. Funder: Temple Quarter Engagement Fund (UoB) (£5000 2020-2021)
Selman LE Engaging disadvantaged communities in Temple Quarter to widen access to palliative care and bereavement support. Funder: Temple Quarter Engagement Fund (UoB) (£4899 2020-2021)
Dawson L, Hanaway-Oakley C, Selman LE Grief and Baby Loss. Funder: Medical Humanities Research Strand (UoB), (£2500 2020-2021)
Selman LE et al. Good Grief Festival. Funder: Wellcome Trust (£99,000, 2019-2020)
Selman LE Engaging disadvantaged communities in end of life care research. Funder: Elizabeth Blackwell Institute (EBI) (£500 2019-2020)
Selman LE [co-app] Development and Validation of a Patient-Reported Measure of Compassionate Care. Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research ($638,356 CDN £370,309 2017-2021)
Selman LE [co-app] ‘Enhanced Difficult Conversations’: the development and evaluation of end of life care communications training - a multi-professional blended-learning programme with impact across primary care and acute sectors. Funder: Health Education North London (£134,900 2016-2017)