Publications and blogs
Journal publications (since 2016)
- Kesten JM, Redwood S, Pullyblank A, Tavare A, Pocock L, Brant H, Hill EM, Tutaev M, Shum RZ, Banks J. Using the recommended summary plan for emergency care and treatment (ReSPECT) in care homes: a qualitative interview study, Age and Ageing, Volume 51, Issue 10, October 2022, afac226
Pearson GME, Welsh T, Pocock LV, Ben-Shlomo Y, Henderson EJ. Transforming undergraduate education in geriatric medicine: an innovative curriculum at Bristol Medical School. Eur Geriatr Med 13, 1487–1491 (2022).
- Pocock LV, Purdy S, Barclay S, Murtagh FEM, Selman LE. Communication of poor prognosis between secondary and primary care: protocol for a systematic review with narrative synthesis, BMJ Open 2021;11:e055731. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055731
- Selman LE, Farnell DJ, Longo D, Goss S, Torrens-Burton A, Seddon K, Mayland CR, Machin L, Byrne A, Harrop EJ. Factors associated with higher levels of grief and support needs among people bereaved during the pandemic: Results from a national online survey. 2022, OMEGA- Journal of Death and Dying
- Gallagher K, Shaw C, Parisaei M, Marlow N, Aladangady. Attitudes About Extremely Preterm Birth Among Obstetric and Neonatal Health Care Professionals in England: A Qualitative Study. 2022, JAMAA Network Open. 5(11). e2241802
- Clabburn, O. A Qualitative Exploration on the Impact of Cancer to Adult Relationships: Applying the Vulnerability Stress Adaptation Model within Couples Therapy. 2022, Journal of Couple & relationship Therapy.
- Martin S, Chamberlain C, Rivett A, Selman LE. How are public engagement health festivals evaluated? A systematic review with narrative synthesis. PLoS One [in press]
- Smith RW, Tween S, Chamberlain C, Gibbins J. Acute hospital specialist palliative care: multidisciplinary team models and workforce in South West England. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 2022.
- Wakefield D, Etkind SN, Bemand-Qureshi L, Sutherland A, Koffman J, Dewhurst F, Noble S, Chamberlain C. UK Palliative trainees Research Collaborative (UK-PRC): the first 5 years - 0-100 study sites. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 2022.
- Selman LE, Sutton E, Medeiros Mirra R, Stone T, Gilbert E, Rolston Y, Murray K, Longo M, Seddon K, Penny A, Mayland CR, Wakefield D, Byrne A, Harrop E. “Sadly I think we are sort of still quite white, middle-class really” – Inequities in access to bereavement support: Findings from a mixed methods study, Palliative Medicine [in press]
Merriel SWD, Pocock L, Gilbert E, Creavin S, Walter FM, Spencer A, Hamilton W.
Systematic review and meta-analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) for the detection of prostate cancer in symptomatic patients. BMC Medicine 20, 54 (2022).
- McDermott A, Woodall C, Chamberlain C, Selman LE, Pocock L. A protocol for a retrospective observational study investigating the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the implementation of the ReSPECT process: which patients received a ReSPECT form, what was documented, and what were the patient outcomes? BMJ Open 12 July 2022.
- Gilbert E, Turner M, de Viggiani N, Selman LE. Developing a typology of models of palliative care delivery in prisons in high-income countries: protocol for a scoping review with narrative synthesis. BMJ Open, 29 April 2022
- Johnston B, Daveson B, Normand C, Ryan K, Smith M, McQuillan R, Higginson I, Selman LE, Tobin K, BUILDCare. Preferences of Older People with a Life-Limiting Illness: Evidence from a Discrete Choice Experiment, JPSM 29 Apr 2022
- Torrens-Burton A, Goss S, Sutton E, Barawi K, Longo M, Seddon K, Carduff E, Farnell DJ, Nelson A, Byrne A, Selman LE and Harrop E. “It was brutal. It still is”: A qualitative analysis of the challenges of bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic reported in two national surveys. Palliat Care Soc Pract 2022 Apr 19
- Symmons SM, Ryan K, Aoun S, Selman LE, Davies AN, Cornally N, Lombard J, McQuillan R, Guerin S, O’Leary N, Connolly M, Rabitte M, Mockler D, Foley G. Decision-making in palliative care: patient and family caregiver concordance and discordance—systematic review and narrative synthesis. BMJ Support Pall Care 22 March 2022
- Selman LE, Farnell DJ, Longo M, Goss S, Seddon K, Torrens-Burton A, Mayland CR, Wakefield D, Johnston B, Byrne A, Harrop EJ. Risk factors associated with poorer experiences of end-of-life care and challenges in early bereavement: Results of a national online survey of people bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic. Palliative Medicine, February 2022
- Sallnow L, Smith R, Ahmedzai SH, Bhadelia A, Chamberlain C, Cong Y, Doble B, Dullie L, Durie R, Finkelstein EA, Guglani S. Report of the Lancet Commission on the Value of Death: bringing death back into life. The Lancet. 1 February 2022.
Pocock L, Purdy S, Barclay S, Murtagh FE, Selman LE. Communication of poor prognosis between secondary and primary care: protocol for a systematic review.
Clabburn O., Hillier M., Jones C., Thomas F. Couples and Cancer. 2021, Healthcare Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal. October.
Bailey P, Lyons H, Caskey FJ, Ben-Shlomo Y, Al-Tahib M, Babu A, Selman LE. Expectations of a new opt-out system of consent for deceased organ donation in England: a qualitative interview study. Health Expectations, 24 December 2021.
Kinghorn P, Canaway A, Bailey C, Al-Janabi H, Coast J. A deliberative approach to valuing capabilities: assessing and valuing changes in the well-being of those close to patients receiving supportive end of life care. Journal of Human Development and Capability.
- Coast J, Bailey C, Canaway A, Kinghorn P. “It’s not a scientific number, it’s just a feeling”: populating a multi-dimensional end-of-life decision framework using deliberative methods. Health Economics. 2021;30(5):1033-1049
- Gühne U, Dorow M, SteinJ, Löbner M, Dams J, Coast J, Kinghorn P, König H-K, Riedel-Heller SG. Valuing end-of-life care: translation and content validation of the ICECAP-SCM measure. BMC Palliative Care. 2021;20:29.
- Harrop EJ, Goss S, Longo M, Seddon K, Torrens-Burton A, Sutton E, Farnell DJ, Penny A, Byrne A, Nelson A. and Selman LE. Parental perspectives on the grief and support needs of children and young people bereaved during the Covid-19 pandemic: Qualitative findings from a national survey. Pre-print medRxiv.
- Torrens-Burton A, Goss S, Sutton E, Barawi K, Longo M, Seddon K, Carduff E, Farnell DJ, Nelson A, Byrne A, Selman LE and Harrop E. “It was brutal. It still is”: A qualitative analysis of the challenges of bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic reported in two national surveys. Pre-print medRxiv.
- Selman LE, Clement C, Douglas M, Douglas K, Taylor J, Metcalfe C, Lane J and Horwood J. Patient and public involvement in randomised clinical trials: a mixed-methods study of a clinical trials unit to identify good practice, barriers and facilitators. Trials, 735(2021) 23 October 2021.
- Harrop E, Goss S, Farnell D, Longo M, Byrne A, Barawi K, Torrens-Burton A, Nelson A, Seddon K, Machin L, Sutton E, Roulston A, Finucane A, Penny A, Smith KV, Sivell S and Selman LE. Support needs and barriers to accessing support: Baseline results of a mixed methods national survey of people bereaved during the COVID-19 pandemic. Palliative Medicine, 22 Oct 2021.
- Schofield G, Dittborn M, Selman LE and Huxtable R. Defining ethical challenge(s) in healthcare: A rapid review. BMC Medical Ethics, 22:135, 29 Sept 2021.
- Bailey PK, Ben-Shlomo Y, Caskey FJ, Al-Talib M, Lyons H, Babu A, Kayler LK and Selman LE. Development of an intervention to improve AccesS to living-donor Kidney transplantation (The ASK study). PLOS One, 25 June 2021.
- Emanuel G, Verne J, Forbes K, Hounsome L and Henson KE. End of life care for cancer patients identified using 3 community prescribing data: a population-based 4 study. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. (In press)
- Selman LE, Chamberlain C, Sowden R, Chao D, Selman D, Taubert M and Braude P. Sadness, despair and anger when a patient dies alone from COVID-19: A thematic content analysis of Twitter data from bereaved family members and friends. Palliative Medicine. 24 May 2021, Palliative Medicine.
- Selman LE, Sowden R and Borgstrom. ‘Saying goodbye’ during the COVID-19 pandemic: A document analysis of online newspapers with implications for endo of life care. 23 May 2021, Palliative Medicine.
- Pocock L, Morris R, French L and Purdy S. Underutilisation of EPaCCS (Electronic Palliative Care Coordination Systems) in end-of life-care: a cross-sectional study. 09 April 2021, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.
- Sowden R, Borgstrom E and Selman LE. ‘It’s like being in a war with an invisible enemy’: A document analysis of bereavement due to COVID-19 in UK newspapers. 04 March 2021,
- Wakefield D, Dewhurst F, Koffman J and Chamberlain C. Palliative Medicine Specialist Trainee Research experience, interest and opportunities: a national survey. 08 February 2021, BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care.
- Goodwin L, Proctor A, Kirby K, Black S, Pocock L, Richardson, S, Stonehouse, J, Taylor, H, Voss S and Benger J. Staff stakeholder views on the role of UK paramedics in advance care planning for patients in their last year of life. 24 January 2021, Progress in Palliative Care.
Ravalier J., Wainwright E., Clabburn O., Loon M., Smyth N. Working conditions and wellbeing in the UK social workers. 2020, Journal of Social Work, 21(5).
Clabburn O., Groves K., Jack B. Virtual learning environment ('Ivy Street') for palliative medicine education: studen and facilitator evaluation. 2020, BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care. 10(3), 318-3
Ravalier JM., McFadden P., Boichat C., Clabburn O., Moriarty J. Social Worker Well-being: A Large Mixed-Methods Study. 2021, British Journal of Social Work, 51(1), 297-317.
Chalk D, Robbins S, Kandasamy R, Rush K, Aggarwal A, Sullivan R and Chamberlain, C., Modelling Palliative and End of Life resource requirements during COVID-19: implications for quality care, Pre-print medRxiv.
- Mitchell PM, Coast J, Myring G, Ricciardi F, Vickerstaff V, Jones L, Zafar S, Cudmore S, Jordan J, McKibben L, Graham-Wisener L, Finucane A, McCorry N, Hewison A, Haraldsdottir E, Brazil K, Kernohan G. Exploring the costs, consequences and efficiency of three types of Palliative Care Day Services in the UK. BMC Palliative Care. 2020;19:119.
- Froggatt K, Best A, Bunn F, Burnside G, Coast J, Dunleavy L, Goodman C, Hardwick B, Jackson C, Kinley J, Davidson Lund A, Lynch J, Mitchell P, Myring G, Patel S, Algorta G P, Preston N, Scott D, Silvera K, Walshe C. A group intervention to improve quality of life for people with advanced dementia living in care homes: the Namaste feasibility cluster RCT. Health Technology Assessment 2020;24(6)
- Sowerbutts AM, Lal S, Sremanakova J, Clamp AR, Jayson GC, Teubner A, Hardy L, Tod, C, Raftery, A-M, Sutton, E, and Burden, S. Dealing with loss: Food and eating in women with ovarian cancer on parenteral nutrition. Journal of Human Nutrition & Dietetics. 3(4) pp. 550-556.
- Sowerbutts AM, Lal S, Sremanakova J, Clamp AR, Jayson GC, Teubner A, Hardy L, Tod, C, Raftery, A-M, Sutton E, and Burden, S. Discharging women with Advanced Ovarian Cancer on Home Parenteral Nutrition: Making and Implementing the decision. Nutrients. 12(1) 166.
- Schofield G, Dittborn M, Huxtable R, Brangan E and Selman LE. Real-world ethics in palliative care: A systematic review of the ethical challenges reported by specialist palliative care practitioners in their clinical practice. 11 December 2020, Palliative Medicine.
- Tanaka M, Kodama S, Lee I, Huxtable R, and Y. Chung. Forgoing life-sustaining treatment – a comparative analysis of regulations in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and England. BMC Medical Ethics. 2020; 21(99).
- Rodin G, Zimmermann C, Rodin D, Al-Awamer A, Sullivan R and Chamberlain C. COVID-19, palliative care and public health. European Journal of Cancer. 2020;136:95-8
- Harrop E, Mann M, Semedo L, Chao D, Selman LE and Byrne A. What elements of a systems approach to bereavement are most effective in times of mass bereavement? A narrative systematic review with lessons for COVID-19. 31 July 2020, Palliative Medicine.
- Johnson HJ, Brighton LJ, Clark J, Roberts H, Pocock L, Ogden M, Kumar R, Gardiner C, Higginson IJ, and Evans CJ (2020). Experiences, concerns, and priorities for palliative care research during the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid virtual stakeholder consultation with people affected by serious illness in England. 26 June 2020, Cicely Saunders Institute, King’s College London.
- Coulman KD, Nicholson A, Shaw A, Daykin A, Selman LE Macefield F, Shorter GW, Cramer H, Snydes MR, Gamble C, Pick ME, Taylor G and Lane JA. Understanding and optimising patient and public involvement in trial oversight: an ethnographic study of eight clinical trials, 18 June 2020, Trials.
- Koffman J, Gross J, Etkind SN and Selman L. Editorial: Clinical uncertainty and Covid-19: Embrace the questions and find solutions, 10 June 2020, Palliative Medicine.
- Koffman J, Gross J, Etkind SN and Selman L. Uncertainty and COVID-19: How are we to respond? 10 June 2020, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine.
- Spicer J, Chamberlain C and Papa S. Provision of cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 2020;17(6):329-31
- Selman L, Chao D, Sowden R, Marshall, S, Chamberlain, C and Koffman J. Bereavement support on the frontline of COVID-19: Recommendations for hospital clinicians, 28 April 2020, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
- Pocock L, MacKichan F, Deibel F, Mills A and Wye L. Stories from the fourth age: Autonomy and the lives of older care home residents. 27 April 2020, Ageing and Society.
- Pocock L, French L, Farr M, Morris R and Purdy S. Impact of electronic palliative care coordination systems (EPaCCS) on care at the end of life across multiple care sectors, in one clinical commissioning group area, in England: a realist evaluation protocol. 31 March 2020, BMJ Open.
- Yi D, Johnston, BM, Ryan K, Daveson, BA, Meier DE, Smith M, McQuillian R, Selman L, Pantilat SZ, Normand C, Morrison RS and Higginson IJ. Drivers of care costs and quality in the last three months of life among older people receiving palliative care: a multi-national mortality follow-back survey across England, Ireland and the USA, 03 February 2020, Palliative Medicine.
- Sinclair S, Jaggi P, Hack TF, Russell L, McClement SE, Cuthbertson L, Selman L and Leget C. Initial validation of a patient-reported measure of compassion: Determining the content validity and clinical sensibility among patients living with a life-limiting and incurable illness, 22 January 2020, Patient.
- Schofield G, Baker I, Bullock R, , Clare H, Clark P, Willis D, et al. Palliative opioid use, palliative sedation and euthanasia: reaffirming the distinction. Journal of Medical Ethics 2020;46:48-50.
- Clabburn O., Knighting K., Jack B., O'Brien, MR. Digital legacies with people affected by motor neurone disease: The views, experiences and perceptions of healthcare professionals, specialists and experts for use with bereaved young people. 2019, Bereavement Care. 38(2-3)
- O'Brien MR, Jack B., Kinloch K., Clabburn O., Kinghting K. The Carers' Alert Thermometer (CAT): supporting family carers of people living with motor neurone disease. 2019, 15(3)
- Clabburn O., Knighting K., Jack B., O'Brien, MR. The use of digital legacies with people affected by motor neurone disease for continuing bonds: An interpretative phenomenological analysis study. 2019, Palliative Medicine. 33(7), 812-822.
- Clabburn O., Knighting K., Jack B., O'Brien, MR. Continuing Bonds with Children and Bereaved Young People: A Narrative Review. 2019, OMEGA- Journal of Death and Dying. 83(3), 812-822
- Schofield G, Brangan E, Dittborn M, Huxtable R and Selman L. Real-world Ethics in Palliative Care: Protocol for a Systematic Review of the Ethical Challenges Reported by Specialist Palliative Care Practitioners in their Clinical Practice, 02 May 2019, BMJ Open.
- Sowerbutts, A. M., Lal, S., Sremanakova, J., Clamp, A. R., Jayson, G. C., Teubner, A., Hardy, L., Todd, C., Raftery, A. M., Sutton, E., Morgan, R. D., Vickers, A. J. and Burden, S. (2019). Palliative home parenteral nutrition in patients with ovarian cancer and malignant bowel obstruction: Experiences of women and family caregivers. BMC Palliative Care. 18(1). pp 1-10.
- Ridd M, Edwards L, Santer M, Chalmers JR, Waddell L, Marriage D, Muller I, Roberts K, Garfield K, Coast J, Selman L, Clement C, Shaw ARG, Angier E, Blair PS, Turner NL, Taylor J, Kai J and Boyle RJ. TEST (Trial of Eczema allergy Screening Tests): protocol for feasibility randomised controlled trial of allergy tests in children with eczema, including economic scoping and nested qualitative study, 09 May 2019, BMJ Open.
- Bailey C, Kinghorn P, Hewison A, Radcliffe C, Flynn TN, Huynh E, Coast J. Hospice patients can participate in carefully designed choice experiments to value supportive care outcomes. BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. 2019;9(4):e37
- Kinghorn P, Coast J. What is the purpose of end of life care? An essential consideration when developing a framework for economic evaluation. Palliative Medicine. 2019; 33(7):823–831.
- Canaway A, Al-Janabi H, Kinghorn P, Bailey C, Coast J. Broadening the scope of economic evaluation at end of life: including ‘close-persons’ within economic evaluation. PharmacoEconomics. 2019;37(4):573–583.
- McCorry NK, O’Connor S, Leemans K, Jones L, Perkins P, Donnelly M, Finucane A, Kernohan WG, Coast J, Dempster M. Quality indicators for palliative day services: a modified Delphi survey. Palliative Medicine. 2019;33(2):197–205.
- Hole B and Selman L, Illness as transformative experience: Implications of philosophy for advance care planning. 01 March 2019, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management.
- Clement C, Selman L, Kehoe PG, Howden B, Lane JA and Horwood J. Challenges to and Facilitators of Recruitment to an Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trial: A Qualitative Interview Study, 18 Jun 2019, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
- Selman L, Bristowe K, Higginson IJ and Murtagh F. The views and experiences of older people with conservatively managed renal failure: a qualitative study of communication, information and decision-making, 24 January 2019, BMC Nephrology.
- Pocock LV, Wye, L., French, LR and Purdy, S. Barriers to GPs identifying patients at the end-of-life and discussions about their care: a qualitative study, 14 January 2019, Family practice
- Chamberlain C, Owen-Smith A, MacKichan F, Donovan JL and Hollingworth W. "What's fair to an individual is not always fair to a population": A qualitative study of patients and their health professionals using the Cancer Drugs Fund. Health Policy, 123(8), pp.706-712.
- Bristowe, K., Selman L., Higginson, I. J. and Murtagh, F. Invisible and intangible illness: a qualitative interview study of patients’ experiences and understandings of conservatively managed end-stage kidney disease, 02 January 2019, Annals of Palliative Medicine.
- Chamberlain C and Blazeby JM. A good surgical death. British Journal of Surgery, 106(11), pp. 1427–1428
- Chamberlain C and Sullivan R. Weighing false hope in population anticancer drug decision making. Annals of Oncology. 30(1):10-11.
- Brims, FJH, Gunatilake, S, Lawrie, I, Marshall, L, Fogg, C, Qi, C, Creech, L, Holtom, N, Killick, S, Yung, B, Cooper, D, Stadon, L, Cook, P, Fuller, E, Walther, J, Plunkett, C, Bates, A, Mackinlay, C, Tandon, A, Maskell, N, Forbes, K, Rahman, NM, Gerry, S, Chauhan, A, on behalf of the RESPECT-Meso investigators. A randomised controlled trial of regular early specialist palliative care on quality of life in malignant pleural mesothelioma – ‘RESPECT-Meso’. 11 December 2018. Thorax.
- Sowerbutts AM, Lal S, Clamp A, Todd C, Jayson G, Berman R, Teubner A, Raftery AM, Sutton EJ, Sremanakova J, Burden S. (2018) Parenteral nutrition for people with inoperable malignant bowel obstruction. 10 August 2018: (review) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Huxtable R, Clinic, Courtroom or (Specialist) Committee: In the Best Interests of the Critically Ill Child? Journal of Medical Ethics 2018; 44; 471-475
- Brighton, L., Selman, L., Bristowe, K., Edwards, B., Koffman, J. & Evans, C. Emotional labour in palliative and end-of-life care communication: a qualitative study with generalist palliative care providers, 17 Oct 2018, Patient Education and Counseling.
- McDermott, E. & Selman, L. E.Cultural Factors Influencing Advance Care Planning in Progressive, Incurable Disease: A Systematic Review With Narrative Synthesis October 2018, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 56, 4, p.613-636
- Wakefield, D., Bayly, J., Selman, L., Firth, A. M., Higginson, I. & Murtagh, F. Patient empowerment, what does it mean for adults in the advanced stages of a life-limiting illness: A systematic review using critical interpretive synthesis, 1 Sep 2018, Palliative Medicine. 32, 8, p.1288-1304
- Kupeli N, Candy B, Tamura-Rose G, Schofield G, Webber N, Hicks SE, Floyd T, Vivat B, Sampson EL, Stone P, Aspden T. Tools Measuring Quality of Death, Dying, and Care, Completed after Death: Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties. Patient. 2018 Aug 24. doi: 10.1007/s40271-018-0328-2
- Orlowska, D., Selman, L., Beynon, T., Radcliffe, E., Whittaker, S., Childs, F. & Harding, R. ‘It's a traumatic illness, traumatic to witness’: a qualitative study of the experiences of bereaved family caregivers of patients with cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma, 19 Jun 2018, British Journal of Dermatology.
- Lowther, K., Harding, R., Simms, V., Gikaara, N., Ahmed, A., Ali, Z., Kariuki, H., Sherr, L., Higginson, I. J. & Selman, L. Effect of participation in a randomised controlled trial of an integrated palliative care intervention on HIV-associated stigma, 17 Apr 2018, AIDS Care.
- Lowther, K., Harding, R., Simms, V., Ahmed, A., Ali, Z., Gikaara, N., Sherr, L., Kariuki, H., Higginson, I. & Selman, L.Active ingredients of a person-centred intervention for people on HIV treatment: Analysis of mixed methods trial data, 10 Jan 2018, BMC Infectious Diseases. 18, 27.
- Hudson, B., Round, J., Georgeson, B., Pring, A., Forbes, K., McCune, C. A. & Verne, J., Cirrhosis with ascites in the last year of life: a nationwide analysis of factors shaping costs, health-care use, and place of death in England. Feb 2018, Lancet Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2018; 3(2):95-103
- Hudson, B., Hunt, V., Waylen, A., McCune, C. A., Verne, J. & Forbes, K. The incompatibility of healthcare services and end-of-life needs in advanced liver disease: A qualitative interview study of patients and bereaved carers. 2 Feb 2018, In : Palliative Medicine.
- Coast J, Bailey C, Orlando R, Armour K, Perry R, Jones L, Kinghorn P. Adaptation, acceptance and adaptive preferences in health and capability wellbeing measurement amongst those approaching end of life. The Patient – Patient Centred Outcomes Research. 2018; 11(5):539–546.
- Muldrew DL, Hasson F, Carduff E, Clarke M, Coast J, Finucane A, Graham L, Larkin P, McCorry N, Slater P, Watson M, Wright E, McIlfatrick S. Assessment and management of constipation for patients receiving palliative care in specialist palliative care settings: a systematic review of the literature. Palliative Medicine. 2018;32(5):930-938.
- Kinghorn P, Coast J. Assessing the capability to experience a 'good death': A qualitative study to directly elicit expert views on a new Supportive Care Measure grounded in Sen's Capability Approach. PLoS ONE. 2018;13(2): e0193181.
- Selman, L., Brighton, L., Sinclair, S., Karvinen, I., Egan, R., Speck, P., Powell, R., Deskur-Smielecka, E., Glajchen, M., Adler, S., Puchalski, C., Hunter, J., Gikaara, N. & Hope, J. Patients’ and caregivers’ needs, experiences, preferences and research priorities in spiritual care: A focus group study across nine countries, Jan 2018, In : Journal of Palliative Medicine. 32, 1, p.216-230
- Pocock, L., Forbes, K., Reid, C., Purdy, S. Now Gosport: what next?, 16 July 2018, In : British Journal of General Practice. 68 (675): 460-461.
- Lewison G, Aggarwal A, Roe P, Moller H, Chamberlain C, Sullivan R. UK newspaper reporting of the NHS cancer drugs fund, 2010 to 2015: a retrospective media analysis. J R Soc Med. 2018;111(10):366-73
- Huxtable R, Cryonics in the Courtroom: Which Interests? Whose Interests? Medical Law Review 2017
- Birchley, GR, Gooberman-Hill, Z. Deans, J. Fraser, Huxtable R, ‘Best Interests’ in Paediatric Intensive Care: An Empirical Ethics Study Archives of Disease in Childhood 2017
- Huxtable R and Birchley G, Seeking Certainty? Judicial Approaches to the (Non-) Treatment of Minimally Conscious Patients Medical Law Review 2017
- Pocock, L.V., Sharp DJ. Acute hospital admission of the frail older person: an opportunity to discuss future care, 24 April 2017, Age and ageing. 46 (6): 878–879,
- Brighton, L., Koffman, J., Robinson, V., Khan, S., George, R., Burman, R. & Selman, L.‘End of life could be on any ward really’: A qualitative study of hospital volunteers’ end-of-life care training needs and learning preferences, 1 Oct 2017, Palliative Medicine. 31, 9, p.842-852
- Brighton, L., Koffman, J., Hawkins, A., McDonald, C., O'Brien, S., Robinson, V., Khan, S., George, R., Higginson, I. J. & Selman, L. A Systematic Review of End-of-Life Care Communication Skills Training for Generalist Palliative Care Providers: Research Quality and Reporting Guidance, 1 Sep 2017, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 54, 3, p.417-425
- Selman, L., Brighton, L., Hawkins, A., McDonald, C., O'Brien, S., Robinson, V., Khan, S., George, R., Ramsenthaler, C., Higginson, I. & Koffman, J. The Effect of Communication Skills Training for Generalist Palliative Care Providers on Patient-Reported Outcomes and Clinician Behaviors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Sep 2017, Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 54, 3, p.404-416.e5
- Huynh E, Coast J*, Rose J, Kinghorn P, Flynn TN. Values for the ICECAP Supportive Care Measure (ICECAP-SCM) for use in economic evaluation at the end of life. Social Science & Medicine. 2017;189:114-128.
- Canaway A, Al-Janabi H, Kinghorn P, Bailey C, Coast J. Development of a measure (ICECAP-CPM) to capture the benefits of end of life care to those close to the dying for use in economic evaluation. Palliative Medicine. 2017;31(1):53-62.
- Donesky, D. A., Selman, L., McDermott, K., Citron, T. & Howie-Esquivel, J. Evaluation of the feasibility of a home-based TeleYoga intervention in participants with both chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and heart failure, 27 Jun 2017, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.
- Selman, L. E., Brighton, L. J., Robinson, V., George, R., Khan, S. A., Burman, R. & Koffman, J.,Primary care physicians’ educational needs and learning preferences in end of life care: A focus group study in the UK, 9 Mar 2017, BMC Palliative Care. 16, 17.
- Selman, L., Daveson, B., Smith, M., Johnston, B., Ryan, K., Morrison, R. S., Pannell, C., McQuillan, R., de Wolf-Linder, S., Pantilat, S. Z., Klass, L., Meier, D. E., Normand, C. & Higginson, I. J. How empowering is hospital care for older people with advanced disease? Barriers and facilitators from a cross-national ethnography in England, Ireland and the USA, Mar 2017, Age and Ageing. 46, 2, p.300-309
- Etkind, S., Bristowe, K., Bailey, K., Selman, L. E.& Murtagh, F. How does uncertainty shape patient experience in advanced illness? A secondary analysis of qualitative data, Feb 2017, Journal of Palliative Medicine. 31, 2, p.171-180
- Aggarwal A, Fojo T, Chamberlain C, Davis C, Sullivan R. Do patient access schemes for high-cost cancer drugs deliver value to society? Lessons from the NHS Cancer Drugs Fund. Ann Oncol. 2017;28(8):1738-50.
- Hudson, B. E., Ameneshoa, K., Gopfert, A., Goddard, R., Forbes, K., Verne, J., Collins, P., Gordon, F., Portal, A. J., Reid, C. & McCune, C. A., Integration of palliative and supportive care in the management of advanced liver disease: development and evaluation of a prognostic screening tool and supportive care intervention. Jan 2017, Frontline Gastroenterology. 2017;8 (1):45-52.
- Abbott, D. W. F., Prescott, H., Forbes, K., Fraser, J. & Majumdar, A. Men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and end of life planning. Neuromuscular Disorders 2017;27(1):38 - 44
- Clabburn, O., O'Brien. Motor neurone disease/amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: what’s in a name? 2016, BJNN. 12(2).
- Hole, B., Salem J.How long do patients with chronic disease expect to live? A systematic review of the literature. BMJ Open 2016;6:e012248.doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012248
- Hole, B., Tonkin-Crine S, Caskey FJ, Roderick P. Treatment of End-stage kidney failure without renal replacement therapy. August 2016, Seminars in Dialysis. 29(6);491-506.
- Pocock, L.V., Ives, A., Pring, A., Verne, J., Purdy, S. Factors associated with hospital deaths in the oldest old: a cross-sectional study. March 2016, Age and ageing. 45(3):372-6.
- Erez, G., Selman, L. E. & Murtagh, F.E.M., Measuring health-related quality of life in patients with conservatively managed stage 5 chronic kidney disease: Limitations of the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 (SF-36), Nov 2016, In : Quality of Life Research. 25, 11, p.2799–2809
- Goodhead, A., Speck, P. & Selman, L. E.‘I think you just learnt as you went along’ – community clergy’s experiences of and attitudes towards caring for dying people: A pilot study, Jul 2016, Journal of Palliative Medicine. 30, 7, p.674-683
- Lowther, K. M., Harding-Swale, R., Ahmed, A., Gikaara, N., Ali, Z., Kariuki, H., Sherr, L., Simms, V. & Selman, L. E.Conducting experimental research in marginalised populations: clinical and methodological implications from a mixed-methods randomized controlled trial in Kenya, Mar 2016, In : AIDS Care. 28, 1, p.60-63
- Jones K, Birchley G, Huxtable R., Clare L, Walter T and Dixon J. End of life care: A scoping review of experiences of Advance Care Planning for people with dementia Dementia 2016 doi: 10.1177/1471301216676121
- Birchley G., Jones K, Huxtable R., Dixon J., Kitzinger J. and Clare L. Dying well with reduced agency: A scoping review and thematic synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty.BMC Medical Ethics 2016; 17: 46 DOI: 10.1186/s12910-016-0129-x
- Huxtable R., From Twilight to Breaking Dawn? Best Interests, Autonomy, and Minimally Conscious Patients M v N [2015] EWCOP 76 (Fam) Medical Law Review 2016 doi: 10.1093/medlaw/fww008
- Beattie J.M. and Huxtable R., Implantable cardioverter defibrillator deactivation: A precautionary approach to therapeutic equipoise? Curr Opin Support Palliat Care 2016
- Huxtable R., Principle or Process at the End of Life? AJOB Neuroscience 2016; 7(1): 69-71 DOI: 10.1080/21507740.2016.1150910
Book chapters and blogs
- Willis D, George R, Schofield G, Proffit A, Jones J. Advance care plans – back to the future? BMJ Opinion. June 2020.
- Selman L. How coronavirus has transformed the grieving process. The Conversation, April 2020
- Huxtable R. On Killing and Letting Die, Acts and Omissions: For and Against the Distinctions. In N. Emmerich, P. Mallia, B. Gordijn, F. Pistoia, eds., Contemporary European Perspectives on the Ethics of End of Life Care (Springer, 2020), pp. 229-241.
- Schofield G. “Palliative Medicine” in Sugand et al, eds., Oxford Handbook for Medical School. (2019, OUP), ch. 27.
- Pocock L. Why GPs and patients need to talk more openly about death. The Conversation, May 2019
- Schofield G. What is Global Palliative Care When it’s at Home (or in Someone’s Home?) BMJ Medical Humanities, Jan 2018
- Huxtable R., “Putting the Black Dog to Sleep? Depression and Assisted Dying” In J. Herring and C. Foster, Dementia: Ethical and Legal Issues (2017, Oxford: OUP), pp. 280-293
- Selman L.How do we support GPs providing end of life care? CAPC, Mar 2017
- Selman L.How do we teach clinicians to talk about the end of life? CAPC, Sept 2017
- Selman L.New research in spiritual care. ehospice, Oct 2017
- Huxtable R., “Judgment 1: R (on the Application of Nicklinson and Another) v Ministry of Justice [2014] UKSC 38”In S.W. Smith et al, eds., Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law (2016, Oxford: Hart), pp. 202-207
- Huxtable R., “Judgment 2: Re A (Conjoined Twins: Surgical Separation) [2001] Fam 147”In S.W. Smith et al, eds., Ethical Judgments: Re-Writing Medical Law (2016, Oxford: Hart), pp. 18-23
1) Pocock L, Purdy S, Barclay S, Murtagh FE, Selman LE. Communication of poor prognosis between secondary and primary care: protocol for a systematic review with narrative synthesis. BMJ Open Dec 2021, MaC |