Frequently Asked Questions

Below we have tried to answer as many Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) as possible. If you can't find the answer to your question, please contact us.

FAQs about courses

FAQs about access and suitability

FAQs about voucher packs

FAQs about registration

FAQs about bookings

FAQs about waiting lists

FAQs about cancellations

FAQs about payments

Web banner in red and white with the text Bristol Medical School Short Courses

Red and white banner featuring the text Bristol Medical School Short Courses Materials & Recordings FAQs about our Materials & Recordings option

Self-paced learning materials for University of Bristol staff and research postgraduates only.

Image of white lines running across a red background Payment information

Payment is required to secure a confirmed course place. Kindly note payment is due in advance, and it is not possible to part pay to attend select days.

Once payment due dates have passed, unpaid provisional bookings are cancelled. 

Due dates are calculated according to the timescales outlined in our terms & conditions. In each individual order, the course earliest in the academic year is used to calculate the payment deadline.
To find out about payment options see: How to pay your short course fees.

FAQs about pilot courses

FAQs about Materials & Recordings (M&R) courses [University of Bristol only]

Please note that Materials & Recordings (M&R) courses are available to University of Bristol staff and postgraduate research students only.

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