Equality, diversity and inclusion
As a Medical School we believe that everyone in society no matter their community or background has the right to good health and excellent quality healthcare.
We recognise the role medical schools can play in creating, continuing, and undoing the long-standing inequalities and inequities in health education and research provision.
To achieve this, we are working with key partners across health, research, and education, and engaging the local community to make sure their voices are heard. This includes working through our education and research programmes to identify and address inequities, working across communities to increase the diversity of participants in research and increasing diverse representation at all levels of our staff and student populations.
We will create a culture of belonging by promoting inclusion and actively challenge exclusion in all its forms. In doing so we will create a safe environment that will recognise and celebrate individuality, where everyone can flourish.
Priority areas
These priority areas have been identified from looking at data the school currently holds, and discussions with staff and students from diverse communities. They are not a list of everything that needs to be changed in the school, but the areas staff and students have asked us to work on as a priority. Some of our priorities are very specific because we have done work in this area and are clear what needs to be done, other areas are broader where we may need to better understand what actions are needed.
Building a safe and fair medical school
Supporting students and staff in difficulty
- Increasing diversity in our staff and student population. Making sure there is diversity in senior academic and professional services positions.
- Promoting and providing mentoring opportunities with diverse role models.
- Adopting new approaches to make sure we hear diverse staff and student voices and increase community within the school.
- Helping students to access support, by better communicating and simplifying our processes.
- Making sure our language in our education, research and general communications is accessible.
- Tackling inequalities in our education programmes and supporting all communities to be successful.
- Tackling health inequalities in research.
Read our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (PDF, 113kB) for in-depth insights into our priority focus areas and collaborative working principles.
Principles on the way we will work together
Lived Experience, wellbeing, and mental health
Equality, diversity and inclusion at the University
Contacts and resources
For further information, please contact Dr Giovanni Biglino and Helen Curtis Leads for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
Details of our Athena SWAN Working Group and further resources.