Improving your Stata: data management, publication-quality outputs, and automating tasks

This course aims to provide a more advanced knowledge of Stata 15/16 statistical software package, led by experienced Stata users from within Bristol Medical School. We cover graphical features, exporting results from Stata output and manipulating data.

Dates 20 - 24 January 2025
Fee £660
Format Online
Audience Open to all applicants (prerequisites apply)

Image of white lines running across a red background Course profile

This course aims to provide a more advanced knowledge of Stata 15/16 statistical software package.

Please click on the sections below for more information. 

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All sessions were very informative, loads of really useful commands and coding taught for a variety of different data structures. There was always someone on hand to answer questions promptly.

Course feedback, January 2025

Red and white banner featuring the text Bristol Medical School Short Courses Materials & Recordings Can't attend live? Just want a refresher?

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