The University’s Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes will apply for the 2020/21 academic year, apart from where it is temporarily qualified as below.
Revised classification regulations for 2020/21 (PDF, 304kB)
This sets out the University’s approach to the classification of modular undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes in the 2020/21 academic year. This enacts the commitments in the assessment support package of mitigations that were announced in January 2021: “We will review the performance of student cohorts graduating this year against previous years unaffected by COVID-19” and “We will re-evaluate the methods for classifying taught postgraduate Masters' degrees in 20/21”. Sections 32 and 39 of the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes (the ‘Taught Code’) are temporarily qualified for the 2020/21 academic year, and in future academic years where stated.
It builds on and supersedes the previous temporary classification regulations: Revised undergraduate classification for 2020/21 onwards (PDF, 267kB) and Regs for PGT programmes in 2020/21 for students who studied in 2019/20 (PDF, 256kB).
Specific regulations are required for classification in the following programmes:
Additional amended regulations for 2020/21 (PDF, 260kB)
Temporary qualifications of existing regulations for 2020/21 covering: conditional progression in undergraduate modular programmes; the outcome of the self-certification of absence from a timed assessment; and, examinations taken outside of the UK in the Faculty of Health Sciences
Application of regulations for students taking outstanding assessment in 2020/21 (PDF, 150kB)
This sets out the University approach to applying academic regulations to students who are taking outstanding assessment from 2019/20 in the 2020/21 academic year and are due to be considered for award and classification
In addition, where outstanding assessment from the summer term 2019/20 is being undertaken in 2020/21 either as part of a supplementary year or the student having conditionally progressed to the next year of study: second attempts of assessment in 2020/21 will be uncapped.
Evidence for extenuating circumstances or suspension of studies
The existing policies for extenuating circumstances, self-certification and coursework extensions apply but are qualified by the introduction of a number measures, as part of the enhanced package of mitigating measures that were agreed and published in January 2021, to enable students who have been particularly impacted to seek appropriate support and mitigation, as follows:
These qualifications apply from the 18 January 2021 for the academic year.
Regulations for programmes with a placement in 2020/21 (PDF, 139kB)
Progression and classification in programmes where its structure has been amended to accommodate a change in the provision of a placement (study abroad or in industry) in 2020/21.
Revised placement year regulations for 2020/21 (PDF, 179kB)
This sets out the regulations for assessment, the placement year mark, progression and contribution to classification of a formal placement undertaken in an undergraduate programme during 2020/21.
University dissertation deadline in taught postgraduate programmes for 2020/21
The University deadline for the submission of dissertations in taught postgraduate programmes that begin in Autumn 2020 (or in Autumn 2019 or previous year if studied part-time) is Monday 13th September 2021.
Temporary amendments to the regulations that govern specific programmes in 2020/21 in respect of the ongoing impact of COVID-19: