Personal safety
This information is relevant to all students whether you live in Halls of Residence or in privately rented accommodation.
While you're a student at the University we want you to have a safe and happy time, and this information will help you protect yourself and your property from harm.
Do not hesitate to contact Security Services or the University Police Officer if you need advice.
Keeping safe
- Make sure you have the Security Control Room number 0117 9287848 and emergency number 0117 3311223 programmed into your phone.
- Report any suspicious activity you encounter, security is everyone's responsibility. Never assume someone else has, or will report it. Learn what it means to be an active bystander at the University.
- Keep to well-lit and populated routes. Do not be tempted to take short cuts through unlit or unknown areas. Always walk against traffic if you can.
- Don't walk home alone if you can possibly avoid it. Either book a taxi through a reputable taxi firm or walk with a friend or group of friends.
- If you are going to walk alone, tell a friend where you are going. Stick to routes you are familiar with. Consider the use of smartphone apps like "find my friend".
- Try to be vigilant and project confidence when out by yourself.
- Consider places of safety in the area that you could go to if necessary, e.g. cafes, shops or 24‐hour garages which will invariably have CCTV, security staff and a well‐ lit, busy environment.
- If threatened be prepared to give up bags or equipment. Property can be replaced. You cannot.
- Don't advertise your valuables, be discreet with your belongings.
- Carry a personal attack alarm. These are available from Royal Fort Lodge, free of charge. Find us on the Google campus Map.
- Be aware of your surroundings. Using headphones or being engrossed in your smartphone can reduce your awareness of what is happening around you.
- Make use of the Police non emergency number – 101. This can be used to report any damaged property, vehicle theft or suspicious activity in your area.
- Do not be afraid to ring 999 in an emergency situation.
- If you are on University premises or nearby and you feel threatened in any way, telephone University Security Services on 0117 3311223 and we may be able to escort you, operationally permitting to a University place of safety.
If you need any further help or advice email
Please note: most telephone conversations are recorded and may be monitored accordingly
Going out
- Look out for your friends, everyone has different tolerances to alcohol.
- Be aware of your surroundings and those around you.
- Pace yourself when out drinking, enjoy your night.
- Try to have something to eat before going out drinking. Try not to drink on an empty stomach.
- Plan how you are getting home, preferably in a group using a licensed taxi. Licensed Hackney style Taxis in Bristol are painted Blue.
- Make use of the Univeristys bus service.
- Alternate alcoholic drinks with water, you'll feel better in the morning.
- It's OK to refuse a drink if you don't want one.
- Avoid pressuring others into drinking to excess.
- Be wary of accepting drinks from people you don't know.
- When buying alcohol stick to recognised shops, brands and suppliers. Always look out for suspicious packaging or if the seal has been tampered with.
See the drinkaware website. This YouTube video from Harrogate Police also provides some good advice.
Drugs and legal highs
- Drug driving is just as dangerous as drink driving.
- Taking drugs can have long term effects, most of which are unknown.
- If you think you have a problem with drugs, talk to someone who can help.
- Student Counselling may be able to help or Big White Wall which can provide support 24/7.
- Get informed – know what the risks are.
For more information see the talk to frank website.
In residence
- When you leave your room, if only for a minute, make sure it is locked. It only takes a few seconds to lose your valuables.
- If you live on a ground floor, don't leave your windows and curtains open when your not in. This can be incredibly attractive to potential thieves.
- It is common practice for thieves to tail gate students into University accommodation. Be aware of people who enter your block and don’t be afraid to either challenge them or call security.
- If you see anything suspicious whilst at your Hall, report it immediately to Security Services (0117 9287848).
- When choosing a private accommodation, learn about the area and its level of crime/anti social behavior. The Accommodation Office can provide more information on privately rented accommodation.
For further information, the Suzy Lampugh trust is an excellent resource to refer to.
Some of you may be living in the Community and it is worth a visit to the following websites;
Simple, sensible precautions will always prove their worth. Make them second nature as you are moving around this great city. Encourage your friends to do the same, create a pro‐security culture among your fellow students. A little bit of time spent on these issues could save a lot of heartache in the future.