Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism

The broad nature of this research area of Biochemistry is reflected in the diverse spectrum of PIs it contains. Moreover, as Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism underlies Dynamic Molecular Cell Biology and Synthetic Biology most of the researchers listed here populate two or all three of the Biochemistry research themes.
The grouping combines cell and molecular biologists, through which we aim to exploit classical and emerging technologies to address fundamental aspects of biology. The research is facilitated by access to outstanding facilities including the Wolfson Bioimaging facility, the BBSRC Centre for structural analysis of complex biological systems (part of the BrisSynBio biosuite), the Wellcome Trust Protein production facility and a string of equipment to probe the biochemistry, structure and dynamics of biomolecules. Increasingly, researchers in this area embrace the rapidly advancing capabilities in computing. Several groups exploit the availability of local UoB high performance computer and national facilities such as Archer for the simulation of the chemical and dynamic behaviour of complex systems.
The research is funded by the UK government through RCUK (BBSRC and MRC) and the NHS, the European Union (ERC) as well as a range of charities (The Wellcome Trust, British Heart Foundation). Our researchers include an astonishing four Wellcome Trust Investigators, as well as BBSRC, ERC and Royal Society independent research fellows.
Postgraduate studies in Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism
PIs in this area are at the core of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology (SynBio CDT) and a new branch of the recently renewed Wellcome Trust Dynamic Molecular Cell Biology PhD programme.
Working in this area
- Dr Minkoo Ahn
- Professor Ross Anderson
- Professor Imre Berger
- Professor Christiane Berger-Schaffitzel
- Dr Steven Burston
- Dr Anna Chambers
- Dr Alan Cheung
- Dr Adam Grieve
- Professor Ian Collinson
- Professor Pete Cullen
- Associate Professor Paul Curnow
- Professor Mark Dillingham
- Professor Jon Hanley
- Professor Mike Jones
- Professor Harry Mellor
- Professor Nigel Savery
- Dr Thom Sharp
- Professor Mark Szczelkun
- Dr Marc van Der Kamp
- Professor Dek Woolfson