Nomination properties

Three postgraduate residences - Chantry Court, Deans Court and Woodland Court - are Nomination properties. This means that you apply to live in them via the University's application process, but that your tenancy agreement is with the third-party provider and you pay your rent directly to them.  

The University remains involved in processes relating to your tenancy throughout your stay, and you still have access to the same services, including our Residential Life support services.  

Some of the details around cancellations and your rent in advance payment are slightly different to the standard University policies which we have outlined the details on this page. Your accommodation contract will also reflect these policies. 

Deans Court and Woodland Court - A2Dominion

We will send you an offer of accommodation for Deans Court or Woodland Court.

To view and accept the offer, you will need to log into the Accommodation Portal, as per our usual offers process. Once you have accepted the offer in the Accommodation Portal, the room is held for you but your reservation is not yet confirmed. 

We will then pass your details onto A2Dominion, who will send you your tenancy agreement. You must sign your tenancy agreement with A2Dominion to secure your room.

If you have not signed your tenancy agreement with A2Dominion by the given deadline, we will cancel your offer and make the room available to another student.

Your cancellation policy with A2Dominion will be outlined in your agreement with them.

In summary:

  • Prior to the tenancy start date you may cancel your accommodation by writing or sending an e-mail to Please note that, should you fail to notify us of your intention to cancel your accommodation prior to the tenancy commencement date, you will be held liable for all rent and other costs associated with the tenancy.
  • If you cancel your tenancy after the tenancy start date, you will have to pay all accommodation fees due under your Tenancy Agreement, unless a replacement tenant is found for your room. If a replacement tenant is found for your room, we will release you from your Tenancy Agreement from the start date of the replacement tenant's new Tenancy Agreement. You will be charged up to £50.00 to cover our costs of preparing the room and tenancy for the replacement tenant. If no replacement tenant is found for your room, you will remain liable until all amounts due under your Tenancy Agreement have been paid.

You do not need to pay any rent in advance.

For Deans Court and Woodland Court, you will be given details about how to pay your rent. You can choose to pay in full or in three instalments, in September, January and May (exact date and amount depends on your residence and room type). 

Visit the A2Dominion website for details of how you can pay.

Chantry Court - Unite Students 

We will send you an offer of accommodation for Chantry Court. 

To view and accept the offer, you will need to log into your Accommodation Portal, as per our usual offers process. Once you have accepted the offer in the Accommodation Portal, the room is held for you but your reservation is not yet confirmed. 

We will then pass your details onto Unite Students, who will contact you about signing your tenancy agreements and paying rent in advance. For Chantry Court, you will need to pay £250.00 rent in advance to Unite on accepting your offer. Your room is not fully reserved until you have completed these steps.

If you have not signed your tenancy agreement or paid your £250 rent in advance to Unite Students by the given deadline, we will cancel your offer and make the room available to another student.

Your cancellation policy with Unite Students will be outlined in your agreement with them.

In summary: 

  • Unless you have already collected the keys to the accommodation, you may cancel your booking by writing or sending an email to us at, at any time during the 7 days after we send you an email confirming your booking is complete (the “7 Day Cooling-Off Period”). If you do that, you will not be charged and we will return your deposit or any Advance Rent Payments you have made.
  • Provided the 7 Day Cooling-Off-Period has expired, you will have to pay all amounts due under your Tenancy Agreement unless a replacement tenant is found for your room or you enter into a new tenancy. If a replacement tenant is found for your room before your start date, we will release you from your Tenancy Agreement on the date seven days after the new tenant’s Tenancy Agreement is signed. If a replacement tenant is found for your room after your start date, we will release you from your Tenancy Agreement from the start date of the replacement tenant's new Tenancy Agreement. If you have occupied the room prior to this, you will be charged £50.00 to cover our costs of preparing the room for the replacement Tenant.


For Chantry Court, Unite will provide details of how and when to make your payments when you confirm your booking with them, and you can get further details on how to pay from the Unite website