Introduction to multilevel modelling
- Multilevel data structures and alternative analysis strategies (PowerPoint, 2.8 mb)
- Introduction to MLwiN and revision of multiple regression (PowerPoint, 0.9 mb)
- Variance components models (Office document, 471kB)
- Random intercept models
- Random intercept models - viewing version (PDF, 1,713kB)
- Random intercept models - for printing (PDF, 527kB)
- Random intercept models(voiceover with slides*)
- Transcript of random intercept models (with slide images)
- Random slope models
- Random slope models - viewing version (PDF, 1,212kB)
- Random slope models - for printing (PDF, 420kB)
- Random slope models(voiceover with slides*)
- Transcript of random slope models (with slide images)
- Contextual effects (PowerPoint, 0.5 mb)
- Three-level models (Office document, 978kB)
- Modelling variance (PowerPoint, 0.3 mb)
*Please note some of these films require the Flash player plugin. If you experience problems accessing any videos, please email
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