CMM software technical support
Problems with our software? Please try the following resources:
- Before contacting us , please upgrade as this may solve some problems and is free. The upgrade depends upon the presence on your computer of existing MLwiN software, not including Beta versions ( more about MLwiN versions).
- upgrade MLwiN
- Realcom- further information and latest versions
- MLPowSim
- Check out How to begin using MLwiN
- Our e-learning course including MLwiN practical exercises, e.g: Comparing groups using multilevel modelling (free course, you will need to self-register or log in)
- Post a question on our free MLwiN user forum
- MLwiN FAQs extensive range of questions which have beens asked about MLwiN and other CMM software
- Join the free JISC Multilevel modelling discussion list
- You are entitled to free email technical support if you have purchased MLwiN (except the PhD version). If you are a UK academic and have downloaded the free version you are unfortunately not entitled to free support. Our technical support service is not designed to provide statistical advice. To request support please complete our technical enquiry form
- Having problems and you suspect a bug? If so - please complete our bug report form