Multilevel modelling books

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In recent years, there have been a growing number of books explaining how to undertake multilevel modelling. Here we have grouped them into these broad categories. If there are any important ones that we have missed email us at

  1. General books on multilevel modelling (aimed at a social science audience)
  2. Books on longitudinal data analysis that emphasize (multilevel) random-coefficient models
  3. More specialised books (that do spatial models, or are more technical accounts of mixed models, and so on)
  4. Books that are linked to, or use, particular software
  5. Books that discuss MCMC analysis

General books on multilevel modelling (aimed at a general social science audience)

Books on longitudinal data analysis that emphasize (multilevel) random-coefficient models

More specialised books (that do spatial models, or are more technical accounts of mixed models, and so on)

Books that are linked to, or use, particular software

HLM (HLM review)

MLwiN (MLwiN review)


Web versions: Designed to be viewed electronically (either in your browser or after saving to your computer) and has coloured graphs and links for easy navigation round the document.

Print versions: use these links if you intend to print the manuals.

R and S-Plus (R review and S-Plus review)

SAS (SAS review)

Stata (Stata review)

SPSS (SPSS review)

WinBUGS (WinBUGS review)

Books that discuss MCMC analysis

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