Multilevel modelling support
Learning and training
- Multilevel models: An introduction and FAQs e.g: What do multilevel models do and why should I use them?
- Free online multilevel modelling course (LEMMA = Learning Environment for Multilevel Methodology and Applications). This is a great resource, we only ask that you give us as much information as possible about yourself for our research into learning.
- Workshop materials presentations from previous workshops Software support FAQs
- Training datasets use these datasets while you are learning
Technical support
- CMM software FAQs extensive FAQ sections on, e.g., categorical variables, commands and macros, discrete response models, longitudinal data, MCMC, parameters and parameter estimates, partitioning variance and the intra-cluster correlation, residuals, standard errors, using weights
- Introduction to MLwiN - how to begin using MLwiN
- MLwiN forum CMM's free online discussion forum
Further information and reference
- CMM newsletter join our newsletter emailing list to hear about software releases and other news, by email about once per month or two months
- Multilevel modelling email discussion list - JISC discussion list for asking questions about multilevel modelling
- Multilevel modelling books a carefully compiled list of good multilevel modelling books
- Multilevel modelling glossary multilevel modelling terms
- Links - web resources for multilevel modelling