MLwiN review
MLwiN was created by the Centre for Multilevel Modelling team together with various colleagues in other centres. The package is a development from MLn and its precursor, ML3 which provided a DOS based system for the specification and analysis of a range of multilevel models. ML3 was itself developed from an application called NANOSTAT which was written by Michael Healy.
The main computation code of MLwiN comprises a modified version of the earlier DOS MLn package, which is driven by a series of commands and operates in the background behind the Windows front end. Although many users probably never need be aware of the command system, a command window is available for more advanced users and those with macros written for MLn. Virtually all model fitting and manipulation can be performed in the front end, although some models still require resort to the command window.
MLwiN was first released in 1997 ( more about subsequent versions).
MLwiN review (PDF, 241kB) by Andy Jones
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