Old Vicarage residence guide

Your guide to living in Old Vicarage, including instructions specific to your residence and other important information.

What's in the room

  • Bed with mattress
  • Desk
  • Desk chair
  • Wardrobe
  • Bedside table
  • Mirror
  • Curtains/blinds.

Find out what you should bring with you and items that are not permitted.

What's in the communal areas


  • Combi microwave oven
  • Hob
  • Fridge freezer
  • Washing machine
  • Tumble dryer
  • Vacuum cleaner
  • TV
  • Kettle
  • Toaster
  • Dining table and chairs
  • Cupboard and storage
  • Kitchen bin.


  • Shower
  • Toilet
  • Wash basin
  • Towel rail
  • Mirror.

Find out what you should bring with you and items that are not permitted.

Arrival information for the Old Vicarage

Date and time 

You must book an arrival slot before your first day: 

  • Friday 6 September, 9 am to 6 pm.
  • Saturday 7 September,9 am to 6 pm.
  • Sunday 8 September, 9 am to 6 pm.

If you cannot arrive at these times, you can find out what to do when booking an arrival slot in the Accommodation Portal. 


Address: The Old Vicarage, 2-6 Lamb Street, St Jude's, Bristol BS2 0DU. 

You can collect your key from outside the main entrance. 

Please bring your check-in QR code. You get this after completing the accommodation induction

Limited on street parking is available along Braggs Lane. Parking meters are available locally. The nearest car park is NCP Broadmead, BS1 3AF or Cabot Circus car park, BS2 9AB.

If you need support, you can call +44 (0)117 910 6518 or email info@rengenlettings.co.uk.  

Access to the building

The access codes for the Townhouses main front door (Lamb Street), Coach House main front door (Braggs Lane), Courtyard Door to Coach House, laundry room and bin/bike storage will be provided in your Welcome Pack on arrival. 

Bike storage

Bike storage is located outside in the undercroft between the Coachhouse and Townhouse.

The security code to access the bike storage will be provided upon arrival.

Bicycles must not be brought into the house/flats due to fire regulations. Any bicycle found in the building, including in bedrooms, will be removed. 

Find out more about bike storage in University accommodation.

Catering options

This residence is self-catered.

Cleaning, recycling and rubbish

You are responsible for the day to day cleaning of your accommodation. The Student Cleaning Expectations and Guidance document has some helpful information on what cleaning products to use and how, so you know what to do to ensure your accommodation is cleaned well and that you are maintaining a healthy environment.

Flats and communal areas will be cleaned once every week by staff. Rubbish clearance from bin stores will also be carried out once every week.

Emergency and out of hours contacts for Old Vicarage

If you are off campus or in your residence (third party properties), call 999 in an emergency.

Find out more about health, safety and security in university accommodation.

For non-emergencies, your residences out of hours contacts are:

Fire safety

Find out more about fire safety in University accommodation.

Fire assembly point at Old Vicarage

The assembly point for Old Vicarage is George Jones Park (park to the right of the Coach House).

Fire alarm testing

Fire alarms will be tested every Monday between 9 am and 12 noon. You do not need to evacuate during a fire alarm test.

First aid

If you have an accident or near miss while in accommodation, report it to the East Village Student Support Centre. We need to know about it so that steps can be taken to prevent it happening again.

First Aid boxes are located at the East Village Student Support Centre at Senate House and at reception in Old Vicarage.

Find out more about medical care and first aid in University accommodation.


Basic personal belongings are insured as part of your accommodation contract.

Check your policy and arrange additional cover if required.


The internet provider for your residence is ASWeb.

Instructions on how to connect to the internet can be found in the Welcome Pack you are given on arrival.

Laundry facilities and costs

Laundry facilities are located in the undercroft between Coachhouse and Townhouse. Machines are free to use.

The security code to access the laundry room will be provided in your Welcome Pack on arrival.

You need to bring your own washing powder or tablets.

Drying clothes

You should not dry wet clothes in your room. This causes condensation and mould which can cause health problems, including some potentially serious lung infections.

Lost keys or locked out

If you are locked out or have lost your keys, contact Rengen and a member of staff will be able to let you back into your room.

Email: info@rengenlettings.co.uk

Lost property

Lost property will be kept in reception until the end of the tenancy. Any unclaimed items will be given to charity.


Car parking

There are no parking facilities at residences in the East Village.  


The University does not permit the use of private e-scooters and they must not be brought into residences or stored in bike storage areas.


The postal address is: Your name, your flat/room number, Old Vicarage, 2-6 Lamb St, St Jude's, Bristol BS2 0DU.

Post boxes for Townhouses are located outside, on side of building near black gate. Post boxes for Coachhouse are located inside, lower ground floor. Delivery notes are left for packages if student is not in.

Rent and tenancy dates

Your tenancy dates and total accommodation fee owed can be found in your tenancy agreement.

This can be found in the Accommodation Portal.

Request a repair

All repairs or maintenance requests must be reported to your residence by emailing info@rengenlettings.co.uk. If you don’t tell us about an issue, it will be picked up at the end of your tenancy and you may be charged.


If you break or damage something in your residence, you need to report it to us.

If you don't tell us about something you have damaged, it will be picked up at the end of your tenancy and you may be charged for the repair.

Social spaces

There are no social spaces at Old Vicarage. 

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