Evaluating money matters advice and support services

We independently evaluated the advice and support services that Trussell have been supporting food banks in their community to deliver. 

Key messages

  • The food bank advice and support services are delivering a range of positive outcomes for individuals, food banks and advice services providers – and for other organisations and local economies.
  • These outcomes are being achieved despite the challenges that food banks and advice services providers face working within funding constraints, local pressures and the complexity of issues many people using the services face.
  • Food bank advice services have become a critical part of the local landscape of delivery, reaching people who are not accessing advice and support elsewhere.
  • The advice services can alleviate financial hardship in a sustained way, or prevent a person’s situation from spiralling further. However, within the wider context of high rents and prices for essentials, insufficient welfare benefits, and low earnings, many people helped may find themselves struggling again at some point, possibly to the point of needing emergency food parcels.
  • Authors: Andrea Finney, Sara Davies, David Collings, Katie Cross & Jamie Evans
  • Funded by: Trussell
  • Published by: University of Bristol / Trussell
  • Publication date: October 2024
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