Centre for Higher Education Transformations (CHET)
The Centre for Higher Education Transformations (CHET) is committed to new empirical and conceptual analyses of the complex economic, social and cultural dynamics of globalised higher education. CHET takes a panoramic view of ‘transformation’ and ‘disruption’ within higher education in relation to policy, pedagogy and practice. The work of CHET advocates to advance understanding of ‘transitionalities’ in the political economy of higher education as well as challenges to the moral and ethical infrastructure and social mission of higher education institutions. CHET is committed to new knowledge and understanding of the organisation, role and contribution of higher education in a volatile and changing world.
Our areas of research
- challenges of social justice and access to higher education
- decolonisation of higher education
- sustainability and higher education
- internationalisation and globalisation of higher education
- digitalisation of higher education
- science and higher education policy
- higher education governance
- the political economy of higher education
- the academic profession and academic work
CHET researchers represent a broad range of disciplinary traditions including sociology, cultural studies, management studies and critical policy studies which inform critical analyses of higher education in transformation and higher education as transformative.
A wide range of innovative and creative methodologies (participatory, qualitative and quantitative) and methodological expertise of its members are utilised to inform a multi-method and cross-disciplinary approach to problematising the multiple economic, ecological, social, cultural, political and health related challenges facing and being responded to by global higher education in a milieu characterised by unprecedented societal transformation.
The Centre's mission is to explore how higher education is being transformed but also how it can aid societal transformation.
CHET events
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CHET reports
What works for leadership in higher education? Findings from a scoping study, Richard Watermeyer (University of Bristol), Richard Bolden (University of the West of England), Cathryn Knight (University of Bristol), Jonas Holm (Aarhus University), September 2022
Digital inequalities across higher education in the global south and global north since the start of COVID-19: A review of the literature, M Carolina Valladares Celis and Sue Timmis (University of Bristol), September 2022