PGR Essentials
Bristol Doctoral College's PGR Essentials programme is designed to provide the fundamental skills required to successfully complete your research degree. It is relevant to postgraduate researchers working across all disciplines.
Early Stage
Check out this Essential PPD if you are in the early stages of your research degree!
Getting started with your research degree (hybrid workshop)
This live, hybrid workshop provides crucial information for postgraduate researchers in the early stages of their degree.
It introduces key personal professional development opportunities and support services at the University of Bristol; teaches PGRs how to identify their existing skills and development needs, and covers the basics of establishing a good relationship with your supervisor – among a range of other topics.
You will also get a chance to connect with PGRs from other disciplines and faculties, to share ideas and tackle the common challenges faced by researchers at the beginning of their research journey.
NEW: Managing your Research Degree (online, self-directed)
Project management is a crucial skill for almost all careers and is fundamental to conducting high quality (and high impact) research. This online, interactive resource provides an introduction to some of the principles of project and time management in the context of your research degree at the University of Bristol.
Access BDC's brand new Managing your Research Degree resource on Linkedin Learning.
To access this resource, please log into Linkedin Learning using your UoB email address before clicking the link.
Developing an effective relationship with your supervisors (various)
Supervisory support is essential for postgraduate researchers. Yet, your relationship with your supervisor can be complicated.
- Dr Dave Filopovic-Carter's 'Developing an Effective Relationship with your Supervisor workshop (online or face-to-face) helps participants set realistic expectations for supervision, and provide an opportunity to troubleshoot some of the common challenges present in supervisory relationships.
Book your place now via our events calendar.
- Bristol Doctoral College's online, self-directed 'Developing an Effective Relationship with your Supervisor' course can help PGRs understand different supervisory approaches, and outlines what they can expect from their supervisor(s), as defined in University of Bristol regulations.
Find BDC's Developing an effective relationship with your Supervisor course on Linkedin Learning.
To access this resource, please log into Linkedin Learning using your UoB email address before clicking the link.
NEW: Research Integrity and Ethics (online, self-directed)
This online, informational resource is an introduction to the concepts of research integrity and ethics in the context of your postgraduate degree. You will explore what these concepts mean, why they are important, and how to embed integrity and ethics into all aspects of your research - both now and in your future career.
Access BDC's brand new Research Integrity and Ethics resource on Linkedin Learning.
To access this resource, please log into Linkedin Learning using your UoB email address before clicking the link.
Explore your Career options (various)
Whether you want a career in academia, or elsewhere, it's important to start planning ahead.
- The Careers Service can help you to reflect on your professional goals, and plan for the future.
Mid-Late stage
If you are in the mid-late stages of your research degree, we recommend this essential PPD
Finishing your Research Degree (hybrid workshop)
Congratulations on reaching the final stages of your research degree! This live, hybrid workshop will prepare you for the milestones ahead, including the all important submission process and viva examination. Working in collaboration with other PGRs from across the university, you will trouble-shoot common challenges, and explore how to maintain motivation and transition from postgraduate study into your career.
NEW: Research Funding Toolkit (online, self-directed)
During your research degree, you’ll likely need to apply for funding for research-related activities, such as travel to conferences, archives, and other institutions. This online, informational toolkit has been designed to develop your knowledge, skills and confidence in understanding income and funding generation. It gives an overview of the postgraduate funding landscape; teaches you how to identify funding opportunities and offers guidance for completing successful funding applications.
Access BDC's brand new Research Funding Toolkit on Linkedin Learning.
To access this resource, please log into Linkedin Learning using your UoB email address before clicking the link.
NEW: Intellectual Property and your research degree (online, self-directed)
This online, informational resource will give you an introduction to Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Rights as they relate to you as a research student. With this information, you will be able to make informed choices about appropriate actions to take and know where to seek further information and advice should you need it.
Find BDC's brand new guide to Intellectual Property and your Research Degree on Linkedin Learning.
To access this resource, please log into Linkedin Learning using your UoB email address before clicking the link.
Preparing for your viva (various)
The concept of a Viva examination can be daunting. Researcher-developer Nathan Ryder can help you set realistic expectations for your viva and prepare with confidence.
- The Viva Survivor Webinar identifies key practical steps to take before submission, and explores practical strategies for preparation and the day of your viva.
Find out more and book your place via our events calendar
- Preparing for your viva is an online, self-directed course for late stage PGRs presented by Dr Nathan Ryder, creator of the Viva Survivor workshops. It will help you get familiar with the research degree examination process at UoB and consider some of the most common questions asked during viva examinations.
Access the Preparing for your Viva course on Linkedin Learning
To access this resource, please log in to Linkedin Learning using your UoB email address before clicking the link.
- Nathan Ryder has also created a written guide to help you prepare
Find Nathan Ryder's guide to Getting Ready for your Viva on Linedkin Learning
- Still feeling nervous? The Viva Survivors website features over 2000 blog posts, along with ebooks, podcasts, and other resources designed to help PGRs tackle the submission process and viva.
Think about your next steps (various)
Not sure if an academic career is for you? Explore the realities of academic life using our new online learning resource. Or check out out Planning your career page for support exploring your options.
- An Insider's Guide to Academia includes an overview of the academic career pathways available, along with hints and tips about things you can do during your research degree to put yourself ahead in the competition for academic roles.
Access the Insider's Guide to academia on LinkedIn Learning
To view this resource, you must log into LinkedIn Learning using your UoB email address.
Further Development Opportunities
Browse the key themes below to find further personal professional development opportunities.
We highly recommend using the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) to identify your expertise and capabilities and ensure that you focus your training effort in the areas where you most need to develop.
Find out more about the RDF and how to use it on the Vitae website
Writing and referencing
Good academic writing takes time and effort and is crucial to all research degrees. Writing can be challenging, but there is a lot of support available.
Promoting your Research
Promoting your ideas through presentations, publication, and other forms of engagement is crucial for building the impact of your research
Planning your Career
The Careers Service supports all students, including PGRs to get to where they want to be when they graduate.
Working with Data
There are many ways to approach qualitative and quantitative data.
Explore some of the tools and processes available to help you manage information
Managing your Research
Project Management is crucial to completing and submitting your research degree in good time.
Our guide to managing your research degree is available via LinkedIn Learning.
Engagement and Impact
Thinking about why, when and how you would engage relevant people with your research is an important consideration for researchers, especially when considering impact of their research on the wider society.
Find out what support is available for engaging the public with your research.

Bristol Doctoral College's brand new suite of training resources are now available on Linkedin Learning.
Book your place
Reserve a space for our live PPD workshops & events using the PGR events calendar.