PGR Essentials

Bristol Doctoral College's PGR Essentials programme is designed to provide the fundamental skills required to successfully complete your research degree. It is relevant to postgraduate researchers working across all disciplines.

Early Stage

Check out this Essential PPD if you are in the early stages of your research degree!

Mid-Late stage

If you are in the mid-late stages of your research degree, we recommend this essential PPD 

Further Development Opportunities

Browse the key themes below to find further personal professional development opportunities.

We highly recommend using the Vitae Researcher Development Framework (RDF) to identify your expertise and capabilities and ensure that you focus your training effort in the areas where you most need to develop.

Find out more about the RDF and how to use it on the Vitae website

a cartoon of a white woman with brown hair looking through a telescope

Bristol Doctoral College's brand new suite of training resources are now available on Linkedin Learning.

Book your place

Reserve a space for our live PPD workshops & events using the PGR events calendar.

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