Promoting your Research

Learn how to increase the impact of your research and improve your engagement as a researcher.

a blue laptop with three green lines emanating from the screen to indicate noise coming from the device

What is public engagement?

Work your way through these short training videos to explore key concepts in Public Engagement with Research. Suitable for researchers at any career stage.

Bristol University Press

Learn more about academic publishing, BUP's publishing processes, and how to submit a proposal via their online author hub.

Presentation Skills

Conference papers, lectures, and posters are an important way to disseminate research findings to both academic and public audiences. Bristol Doctoral College provides a variety of personal professional development activities to help improve your presentation skills. 

Academic Publishing

Publishing helps to advance knowledge by disseminating research, and also preserves a record of research for future use. It can also help to advance your career, and ensure that you are recognised for your contributions to your field.

Navigating publishing can be challenging for PGRs. Bristol Doctoral College and other University of Bristol services can help you understand the intricacies of the publishing world. 

Engagement and Impact

Thinking about how, when and why to engage relevant people with/in your research is an important consideration - especially when considering the impact of your research on wider society. 

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