Equality, diversity and inclusion

The School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine aims to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone is treated equally, irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, age or sexual orientation. This will enable all staff to be valued and encourage them to achieve their full potential. The School fully supports the Athena Swan charter to promote the careers of women in science. We have a flexible working ethos and involve women in all levels of School management, enabling them to progress from being students along their chosen careers.

Prof. Anne Ridley, Head of the School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, 2023

Acceptable Workplace Behaviours

At CMM we are passionate about making our workplace a safe and inclusive one. We take our commitment to the Acceptable Workplace Behaviours policy seriously. The University has a network of 'Stand up Speak Out' Advocates who are volunteers trained to provide an informal advisory service to staff experiencing unacceptable behaviour, bullying or harassment at work. If you feel you are experiencing inappropriate behaviour, you are encouraged to contact a Stand up Speak Out advocate.

For students, the Report and Support is a dedicated online tool which offers a quick and easy way to tell us about specific incidents. Students can use the tool to report something anonymously or to be linked to someone you can talk to about what you’ve experienced.

Unconscious bias

Understanding unconscious bias is built into the University's Recruitment and selection training for line managers. All recruiting staff at CMM are encouraged to attend this training, to consider how they may be affected by implicit bias, and to recognise and prohibit such attitudes and behaviours when making decisions and judgements. 

Work and family

The University website has more information on eligibility, entitlements and the University paternity policy, maternity policy, adoption policy and shared parental leave policy.


The School of CMM recognises the importance of mentoring. If you would like a mentor, and/or if you have a certain individual in mind, please contact Anne Ridley for this to be arranged. There is also mentoring and other support available specifically for postdoctoral staff, called Bristol Clear, and at School level we have a peer-mentoring scheme for our research postgraduate students.

Flexible working

A number of our staff currently take advantage of flexible working arrangements. Requests for flexible working are always considered (and usually approved) and could include job shares, part time working, term time or seasonal working, career breaks, training breaks. The School recognises flexible working can provide benefits to both the employer and the employee. 

Health and wellbeing

The School and the University are committed to promoting a culture of health and wellbeing amongst staff and students. The School promotes a sense of community by arranging a number of social and wellbeing events for staff and students.

Disability and employment

The University offers a lot of support for staff with a disability, and students with a disability.

Outreach activities

The School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine is committed to sharing our world class research with the public. Staff and students from our three research themes - cancer biology, stem cell biology, and infection and immunology - take part in a wide range of outreach activities each year. We aim to engage with people of all ages, from all backgrounds, sharing our passion for science.

Contact CMM Outreach Officer: Bronwen.Burton@bristol.ac.uk

Staff Networks

Our Staff Networks provide a safe space for colleagues sharing particular circumstances or characteristics to connect with others, share experiences and challenge organisational practices to create a more inclusive working environment.

  • Apprentice Staff Network
  • Global Majority Staff Network (GMSN)
  • Childless Staff Network
  • Disability and Wellbeing Network (DAWN)
  • Neurodiversity Staff Network
  • LGBTQ+ Staff Network
  • Parents and Carers' Staff Network
  • Women's Staff Network
Athena Swan Silver Logo APR23
CMM was awarded a Silver award in 2023

For students: Report and Support

Bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, assault and discrimination are not acceptable. Students can report something anonymously or get advice through the Report and Support service.

Useful contacts

For advice on HR policies please contact the Faculty of Life Sciences HR Team: fls-hrqueries@bristol.ac.uk.

Head of School
Professor Darryl Hill
+44(0)117 455 7154 /0090
co-Chair of School EDI committee
Dr Bronwen Burton
+44(0)117 455 9098
co-Chair of School EDI committee
Ms Kathy Purdy
+44(0)117 455 6631
School Manager
Dr Roseanna Cross
+44(0)117 455 8739
School Outreach Officer
Dr Bronwen Burton
+44(0)117 455 9098
Faculty Outreach Officer
Gail Bourn
Useful links 

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