Cycle parking request procedure

Part of the ongoing development of the staff and student travel plans is the installation of additional cycle parking facilities.

Sustainability are responsible for installing facilities on the University Estate, along with Capital Projects with the development of the University estate. Sustanability has a rolling cycle installation plan.

Facilities can be requested at any time, but installation will not be instantaneous and will depend on feasibility and what funding is available. 


  1. Identify site for potential cycle parking facility – Sheffield hoops, shelter or locked facility.
  2. Discuss with your Facilities Manager
  3. Facilities manager can then make an official request to the Transport team.
  4. Site visits and further investigation will be carried out by Sustainability and the External Estates team/ Asset maintenance/ Campus Development (as appropriate). This could involve applying for planning consent from the City Council
  5. If it is feasible to install cycle parking on the proposed site, there is funding available and all parties are agreed (Sustainability, requesting School/Dept, Facilities Manager and External Estates team/ Asset Maintenance / Campus Development [as appropriate]) then a installation programme will be drawn up.


cycle parking