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Contact directory
Log in to the contact directory to search by email address, organisation, job title, phone number or to search for students.
Emergency contacts
Security Services 24-hour emergency number
0117 331 1223 (internal 11223)
Non-emergency security issues
0117 928 7848 (internal 87848)
Parent concerns
How we can help you contact a student if you are unable to.
Main address
University of Bristol
Beacon House
Queens Road
Bristol BS8 1QU
Main switchboard telephone
+44 (0)117 928 9000
Maps and travel
Useful contacts
- Undergraduate enquiries
- Postgraduate enquiries
- International students
- Accommodation
- Alumni and donors
- Research, business and industry
- Press Office
- Graduation Office
Directory of Experts
Search details of academic staff who are willing to speak to the media as authorities on particular subjects.