Research projects

Current funded research projects

Past funded research projects

  • Set Theoretic Pluralism (PI: Philip Welch; Coordinator: Benedict Eastaugh; Leverhulme Trust; )
  • Formal Truth in Epistemology (PI: Johannes Stern; Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie actions; 2016-18)
  • Applying Homotopy Type Theory in Logic, Metaphysics, and the Philosophy of Physics (PI: James Ladyman; Leverhulme Trust)
  • Inner model theory in outer models (PI: Philip Welch; EPSRC; Mar 2012 - Oct 2014)
  • The Scope and Limits of Arithmetical Knowledge (Principle Investigators: Leon Horsten & Philip Welch; Templeton Foundation; Mar 2011 - Sep 2012)
  • The Foundations of Structuralism (PI: James Ladyman; AHRC; Oct 2009 - Oct 2012)
  • Philosophical Theories of Truth, Transfinite Computation, and Infinite Games (PI: Philip Welch; Templeton Foundation; Oct 2008 - Sep 2010)
  • Logical Methods in Epistemology, Semantics, & Philosophy of Mathematics (PI: Philip Welch; British Academy; Mar 2005 - Sep 2009)
  • Mathematics into Philosophy: analysing complexity theoretic issues in current philosophical theories of epistemology, semantics and truth (PI: Philip Welch; EPSRC; Oct 2005 - Oct 2006).
  • Interactions between combinatorics of stationary sets, bounded forcing axioms and inner models of set theory (PI: Philip Welch; EPSRC; Oct 2003 - Sep 2005)
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