FSB run a regular program of events including talks, reading groups and conferences.
FSB research seminars and associated conferences and workshops can be found on our calendar (view calendar fullscreen).
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Related events
Research Seminars in Logic and Set Theory
Run in the School of Mathematics. Contact Philip Welch for more details.
- Further events at the Department of Philosophy
Some past events
Past seminars are listed on the Department of Philosophy Past Events pages.
- Kick-Off Workshop for Truth and Semantics ERC project & Bristol Logic Meeting (3-4 May 2019)
- Very Informal European Gathering Bristol 2018 (Set Theory, 3-9 June 2018)
- John Mayburry Memorial Lecture and Mini-symposium on the foundations of mathematics (15 Nov 2017)
- Stanislav Speranski Benjamin Meaker Visiting Professorship lectures (1,3,8 August 2017)
- Bath-Bristol Workshop Crosses the Atlantic (24th July 2017, University of Bristol)
- Set Theoretic Pluralism Symposium (20-25 June 2017, University of Bristol)
- Proof meets Truth -- Bath-Bristol Foundations of Mathematics and Computer Science (12th May 2017, Bath)
- Bristol-München Conference on Truth and Rationality (10-12 June 2016, University of Bristol)
- Bristol-Leuven workshop 3 (1 February 2016, University of Bristol) Workshop on Philosophy of Science, Logic and Mathematics
- Bristol-Goteborg-Oxford Postgraduate Day (22 April, 2015)
- Bristol-Leuven workshop 2 (20 May 2015, University of Leuven)
- Bristol-Leuven workshop 1 (27 January 2015, University of Bristol)
- Set Theory: Inner and Outer Model Theory (6-7 July 2014)
- Deductive and Mathematical Cognition Workshop (7-8 April 2014)
- Philip Welch 60th Birthday Celebration (22-23 March 2014)
- Oxford-Bristol Graduate Workshop in Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics (1 February 2014)
- Bristol-Munich Workshop 2013 (20-22 July 2013)
- Limits and Scope of Mathematical Knowledge Workshop 2 (30 March 2013)
- Bristol-Princeton Postgraduate Conference in the Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics (22 February 2013)
- Limits and Scope of Mathematical Knowledge Workshop 1 (17-18 March 2012)
Pre-2017 FSB seminars. Post-2017 seminars on our calendar.
Reading groups
- Truth and Semantics 2019-24, Johannes Stern
- Course on Inner Model Theory 2019, Philip Welch
- Reading group on Linnenbo's Thin Objects 2019, Gareth Pearce
- Reading group on Burgess' Rigor and Structure, 2015-2016. Sam Pollock
- Large cardinals & forcing Reading group studying the interaction of large cardinal axioms and forcing, 2015
- Descriptive Set Theory Weekly tutorials on Mansfield & Weitkamp (1985) 2015