Advanced Multiple Imputation Methods to Deal with Missing Data

Multiple imputation is a principled approach to account for missing data in analyses where valid results depends on careful construction of the imputation model. The potential for misspecification of the imputation model depends on several factors including the complexity of the analysis of interest, assumed reasons for missing data and the types of variables to be imputed. This course will introduce you to advanced multiple imputation methods that have been developed to address complex missing data analyses.

Date 5 - 6 December 2024
Fee £440
Format Online
Audience Open to all applicants (prerequisites apply)

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This course builds on prior knowledge of multiple imputation for dealing with missing data, and extends this to the application of multiple imputation in complex analyses.

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Web banner in red and white with the text Bristol Medical School Short Courses Bookings are currently closed.

You will be able to register with our booking system from midday 24 September 2024. Bookings will be accepted from midday 8 October 2024. 

The course was very focused, with clear learning objectives and good materials. Rachel and Jon are experts in the field, willing to share their knowledge, which is wonderful for learners

Course feedback, December 2023

Red and white banner featuring the text Bristol Medical School Short Courses Materials & Recordings Dates don't work? Just need a refresher?

Find out about the self-paced Materials & Recordings version of this course [UoB only].

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