Optimising Recruitment to Randomised Controlled Trials

This course aims to provide an introduction to the challenges of recruiting people to randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and strategies to address these. The course draws on evidence generated by the QuinteT research programme, which specialises in optimising recruitment to RCTs based on research conducted in over 70 trials to date. Course content and examples will be drawn primarily from trials set in secondary care hospital settings that span a range of medical specialities.

Date 12 June 2025
Fee £220
Format Online
Audience Open to all applicants (prerequisites apply)

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This course aims to equip attendees with insight into the common sources of recruitment difficulty in RCTs and ways of mitigating or overcoming these.

Please click on the sections below for more information. 

Web banner in red and white with the text Bristol Medical School Short Courses Bookings are currently closed.

You will be able to register with our booking system from midday 24 September 2024. Bookings will be accepted from midday 8 October 2024. 

The course was fantastic - comprehensive, detailed, and taught by the experts (leaders) in the field. Very enthusiastically taught with opportunities to reflect on the questions and problems raised by attenders. Lots of opportunity for discussion and reflection by way of interactive polls and questions. The course provided rich knowledge and interesting insights throughout, based on extensive empirical foundations.

Course feedback, June 2024

Red and white banner featuring the text Bristol Medical School Short Courses Materials & Recordings Dates don't work? Just need a refresher?

Find out about the self-paced Materials & Recordings version of this course [UoB only].

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