
The wellbeing of our whole community is of paramount importance to the School. All students and staff should feel equally valued and respected and to be able to operate to the best of their ability, whatever their personal circumstances.

We acknowledge that there are times when things go wrong in our lives, and work, study and the ability to flourish intellectually and socially seem far from our grasp. There are people and systems available to help.

All students

The University has a great diversity of wellbeing support mechanisms that can be accessed via http://www.bristol.ac.uk/students/wellbeing/services. More locally, there are people to help you who will understand your programme and more local issues:

Undergraduate students encountering difficulties are welcome to talk to their personal tutor, the Senior Tutor Mary Benton mary.benton@bristol.ac.uk, or to make an appointment with a School Wellbeing Adviser student-wellbeing@bristol.ac.uk

Postgraduate students encountering difficulties are welcome to talk to their personal tutor, ​​​​​​​Senior Tutor to PGT and PGR students, Erica Hendy e.hendy@bristol.ac.uk, or to make an appointment with a School Wellbeing Adviser student-wellbeing@bristol.ac.uk

Palaeobiology MSc students should talk to their personal tutor, to the Programme Director John Cunningham john.cunningham@bristol.ac.uk, or to a School Wellbeing Adviser student-wellbeing@bristol.ac.uk.

Volcanology MSc students should contact Matt Watson matt.watson@bristol.ac.uk, or a School Wellbeing Adviser student-wellbeing@bristol.ac.uk.

PhD students should seek advice from their supervisors, from the Annual Progress Monitoring Coordinator Casey Bryce casey.bryce@bristol.ac.uk, or from a School Wellbeing Adviser student-wellbeing@bristol.ac.uk.

International Students may like to contact BESIG (Bristol Earth Sciences International Group) through Facebook to meet a mentor and to take part in social events https://www.facebook.com/groups/BESIGisawesome.


The University tries to take staff wellbeing seriously and information on aspects of this can be found at http://www.bristol.ac.uk/staffdevelopment/professional-services/courses/wellbeing. Local information is available on our SharePoint Wellbeing page.

Staff should consult their line manager or the School Manager Jane Church jane.church@bristol.ac.uk if they encounter difficulties. If matters cannot be resolved by interaction at a local level, reference can be made to the University EDI processes and procedures http://www.bristol.ac.uk/inclusion.


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