Singer and Willett datasets
Singer and Willett (2003) Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis
Singer and Willett's text book, Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence, by Judith D. Singer and John B. Willett New York: Oxford University Press, March, 2003, is excellent for Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis, and is our
- Download Singer and Willett data files for MLwiN (zip, 0.5 mb)
You can use these data files with MLwiN - how to buy or download MLwiN. Note - you can download a permanent version for free if you are a UK-academic, or a free 30-day version available to all
The datasets that go with Singer and Willett (2003) are freely available for several other different statistical packages as well, with screenshots of output, from the UCLA Stat Computing Portal. Other resources are available from the book's web site: (Applied Longitudinal Data Analysis: Modeling Change and Event Occurrence).
MLwiN screen shots and output
The UCLA portal has MLwiN 2.02 screen shots and output for the following chapters:
- Chapter 3: Introducing the multilevel model for change
- Chapter 4: Doing data analysis with the multilevel model for change
- Chapter 5: Treating time more flexibly
- Chapter 6: Modeling discontinuous and nonlinear change
- Chapter 7: Examining the multilevel model's error covariance structure
There is a variety of software you can use to un-zip files, eg WinZip or CAM unZip.