
The School of Chemistry is committed to supporting staff and students who have disabilities and ensuring a positive and inclusive environment for all.


The Disability and Wellbeing Network (DAWN) supports disabled staff who work at the University by providing staff with a space to talk openly about disability, and to work with the University to ensure disabled voices are heard.

Find out about the Disability and Wellbeing Network


For students the Bristol SU Disability and Accessibility Network provides a safe space for those who identify as disabled and encourages a positive community.

Find out about the SU Disability and Accessibility Network

There is also the University Disability Services, who provide information, advice and support to prospective and current students with a range of disabilities, learning difficulties and other health and mental health conditions.

Find out more about the University Disability Services

Stand Up Speak Out (SUSO)

A University-wide campaign to encourage students to take action against bullying, harassment and other forms of unacceptable behaviour they may experience or witness.

Staff can also contact a SUSO Advocate, for guidance and support.

Contact us

Please note the School of Chemistry Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee meets six times a year. If you have any questions concerning EDI or anything you would like to raise with the committee please email chem-edi@bristol.ac.uk.

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