Unconscious Bias

In the School of Chemistry we encourage all staff to consider how they may be influenced by their unconscious bias. Find out more about unconscious bias and how we help staff and students to better understand it and work against it.

What is unconscious bias?

Unconscious Bias occurs due to our brains using our background, personal experiences and cultural environment to make very quick judgements and assessments of people and situations. We are often not aware that we have these unconscious views and opinions but they will be influencing our thoughts and decisions.

Watch the Royal Society's short video to find out more about unconscious bias

How does the School of Chemistry tackle unconscious bias?

It is especially important for staff and student members on panels to recognise any unconscious bias and not allow it to affect their decision making.

Being aware of and trying to reduce unconscious bias is particularly significant during all stages of recruitment. To this end, the University had produced the following guides on unconscious bias for candidate shortlisting and candidate assessment at interview:

How can I learn more about my own unconscious bias?

There are a number of useful online resources that can help you understand unconscious bias:

Stand Up Speak Out (SUSO)

A University-wide campaign to encourage students to take action against bullying, harassment and other forms of unacceptable behaviour they may experience or witness.

Staff can also contact a SUSO Advocate, for guidance and support.

Contact us

Please note the School of Chemistry Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee meets six times a year. If you have any questions concerning EDI or anything you would like to raise with the committee please email chem-edi@bristol.ac.uk.

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