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Externally funded studies in ALSPAC

A participant giving blood

Measuring a participant's height

29 June 2017

ALSPAC is run as a resource for the research community. This unique resource is open for researchers to conduct a wide range of bespoke data collection activities – anything from whole cohort questionnaire collections, recall-by-genotype substudies, small scale qualitative interview studies and clinic-based biomedical measurements.

ALSPAC maintains an established infrastructure and expertise to support these studies:

  • Experienced study managers who provide advice and guidance at all stages of the study lifecycle – design, costing, grant writing, ethical approval, data collection and analysis.
  • A well-developed cohort infrastructure – clinical facilities, data collection and management technical support, laboratory storage and sample processing facilities, and an experienced staff.
  • An engaged and experienced cohort, used to participating in a range of data collection activity.
  • A rich existing dataset of phenotypic, environmental, genetic and linkage data gathered from different cohort groups over 25 years.

Proposals to access ALSPAC data and conduct new data collection activities are requested through the ALSPAC Executive Committee using the procedures outlined in the ALSPAC Access Policy. 

Example published studies

Pre-natal exposures and breast tissue composition: findings from a British pre-birth cohort of young women and a systematic review - A recall-by-phenotype study of breast tissue composition in 500 female study children using MRI scanning at the co-located Bristol Clinical Reseach and Imaging Centre.

Lifetime and 12-month prevalence of eating disorders amongst women in mid-life: a population-based study of diagnoses and risk factors - A two-phase prevalence study using questionnaire data collection, culminating in a telephone interview study of 1000 study mothers.

Genetics, sleep and memory: a recall-by-genotype study of ZNF804A variants and sleep neurophysiology - A recall-by-genotype study of 24 study children using two nights of in-depth sleep monitoring (polysomnography).

Schizophrenia‐like topological changes in the structural connectome of individuals with subclinical psychotic experiences - A recall-by-phenotype study of brain topology in 250 study children using MRI scanning at the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre.

Further information

Full information on accessing the ALSPAC resource is available here.

To submit a proposal online to use the resource, please click here.

To find out more please email

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