Children of the 90s in the news

Research using our data and news about the study is reported all over the world. Here you can find some of our news coverage.

If you have a story to share please contact us

Video highlight - October 2023, Children of the 90s Discovery Day featured on BBC Points West (marking the study reaching its third decade).

Date Publication Title Keyword
Sept 2024 Bristol 247 From Birth to Breakthrough - The Children of the 90s  

July 2024

BBC News Online

Scientists to study placentas in 'world first'


July 2024

BBC Points West

Can placentas give indicators for ill health in later life? (Watch on YouTube)


May 2024


‘Low emission zones could reduce mental health problems’ – study


May 2024

The Independent

‘Low emission zones could reduce mental health problems’ – study


May 2024

Evening Standard

‘Low emission zones could reduce mental health problems’ – study


May 2024

Daily Mail

Was your childhood home by a busy road? You're more likely to be anxious, depressed and psychotic, study claims


May 2024

Bristol Post

Children of 90's study finds air pollution 'could lead to mental health problems in teenagers'


May 2024

Hunger Magazine

What happens when the ‘Children of the 90s’ grow up?


May 2024

Bristol 24/7

Groundbreaking Children of the 90s study calls for more participants


April 2024

Sunday Express

Experts warning of public health crisis as liver disease among young soars


April 2024

BBC Points West

One in five young adults has fatty liver disease (Watch on YouTube)


April 2024

BBC News

Fatty liver disease affecting one in five young adults, Bristol study shows


April 2024

The Sun

One in five young people unknowingly live with ‘silent but deadly’ disease – are you one of them?


April 2024


Teasing children about weight increases risk of self-stigma as adults, study finds


April 2024

BBC News

Adult weight stigma often 'linked to teen years'


March 2024

BBC World News

Waist-to-height ratio alternative to BMI


March 2024

BBC Points West

Diagnosing childhood obesity - using a waist-to-height ratio alternative to body mass index (BMI)


March 2024

BBC News

BMI outdated for measuring childhood obesity, Bristol study says


March 2024


Waist-to-height ratio detects obesity in children and adolescents significantly better than BMI, finds study


January 2024

BBC Radio Devon

Listen to Dr Andrew Agbaje discuss his new research looking at cholesterol with Caroline Densley (YouTube)


January 2024


Childhood dietary patterns influence arterial stiffness in adolescence


January 2024

The Independent

Giving children food high in calories, fat and sugar ‘damages blood vessels’ 


January 2024

The Times

Children who eat fast food face 'higher risk of heart attacks'


January 2024


Serious lifelong damage caused by what parents give to children


January 2024

The Sun

Bad diets put kids at ‘raised risk of heart attack and stroke BEFORE they even leave school’


January 2024

Daily Express

Children’s arteries harmed by diets high in fat and sugar


January 2024

Irish News

Giving children food high in calories, fat and sugar ‘damages blood vessels’


January 2024

Daily Mail

Junk food diets can stiffen children's arteries by the time they are 17, warn experts


January 2024

The Herald

Giving children food high in calories, fat and sugar ‘damages blood vessels’


December 2023


Light physical activity can be a powerful tool for combating childhood obesity


December 2023

Evening Standard

Light exercise ‘could reverse high cholesterol caused by sedentary childhood’


November 2023


Childhood bullying might exacerbate social difficulties through inflammatory pathways, study suggests 


October 2023

BBC Science Focus

Parents are causing childhood obesity. But not in the way you might think


October 2023

Cyprus Mail

Another reason to cut down on children’s screen time


October 2023

The Conversation

Heart damage: another reason to cut down on children’s screen time


October 2023

ITV West Country

Children of the 90s: Founder of life-saving study says she never expected it to go on for so long


October 2023

ITV West Country

Children of the 90s: Discovery Day (watch the clip on YouTube)


October 2023

BBC Points West

Children of the 90s: Members gather for first time in 10 years


October 2023

ITV West Country

Bristol Bears in pioneering study with Children of the 90s (watch the clip on YouTube)


October 2023

Health Tech World

Innovative software can detect hidden and complex emotions


September 2023

BBC Points West

Bristol Bears take part in University of Bristol study


September 2023

Bristol 24/7

Bristol Bears partner with Children of the 90s for unique rugby study


March 2023

Health News

Mother’s behaviour may shape how a child responds to stress


March 2023

The Independent

Regular exercise in adolescence improves mental health and behaviour – study


March 2023

Daily Mail

Getting your child to exercise regularly slashes their risk of ADHD and behavioral problems


January 2023

Medical Xpress

How much of a boost do 'booster' COVID-19 jabs give?


January 2023

BBC News Bristol

Bristol study finds Covid booster gives tenfold increase in antibodies


November 2022

BBC Radio 4 Desert Island Discs

Listen to our founder Prof Jean Golding OBE on Desert Island Discs


September 2022

The Star Malaysia

Does the mode of childbirth affect a women's sex life afterwards?

August 2022 News Medical

Sexual enjoyment after childbirth is unaffected by different modes of delivery 

July 2022 The Independent

Concerns about effect of fertility treatment on baby development ‘unwarranted’

July 2022 Daily Mail

Children conceived through IVF do NOT develop differently: Study finds difference in their height, weight and body frame disappear by late teens

May 2022 BBC Points West

BBC Points West follow two participants in the long COVID study (watch the clip on YouTube)

May 2022 The Times
(behind paywall)

Twins help solve long Covid mystery

May 2022 BBC News  Long Covid: Children of the 90s participants to be studied  
February 2022 Daily Mail 'No strong association' between the BMI of teenagers and their mothers  

January 2022

BBC Radio Bristol Professor Jean Golding speaks to BBC Radio Bristol about grandfathers smoking habits research (listen from 1:09:32)  

January 2022

BBC News Grandfathers smoking habits might affect girls' weight  

January 2022

The Guardian Pioneering study finds generational link between smoking and body fat  

January 2022

Daily Mail Men who smoked before puberty are more likely to have fat granddaughters  

January 2022

Bristol Live What it's like being involved in the Children of the 90's study  

November 2021

Bristol Live Baby teeth can show if children will suffer depression later in life  

November 2021

Daily Mail Scientists discover receptor in brain responsible for people growing taller  

November 2021

BBC News  The brain sensor discovery behind humans getting taller  

September 2021

ITV West Country News Children of the 90s launch their new @30 clinic  

September 2021

BBC News Children of 90s study's biggest data collection yet  

September 2021

The Guardian  Third generation joins pioneering UK study - Children of the 90s  

June 2021

BBC Inside Science The gene for obesity (from 9 mins 30 seconds)  
June 2021 Daily Mail Research looking at Melatonin 4 Receptor (MC4R) gene  
June 2021 The Times 200,000 Britons have appetite gene that adds two stone (login required)  
May 2021 The Guardian Rebecca Pearson's research into children's mental health during the pandemic  
May 2021 Daily Mail Rebecca Pearson's research into children's mental health during the pandemic  
May 2021 Radio 5 Live Research into children's mental health during the pandemic (from 52 mins)  
May 2021 The Financial Research into childhood abdominal pain and disordered eating  
May 2021 ITV Westcountry News Research into online gambling during the pandemic  
May 2021 The Times Research into gambling during the pandemic  
May 2021 Business Matters Magazine Research into online gambling during the pandemic  
May 2021 BCfm 93.2 Love and science  
April 2021 BBC Breakfast Children of the 90s turns 30 (YouTube)  
April 2021 BBC online Children of the 90s: Bristol's 'gift to medicine' turns 30  
April 2021 BBC Radio 4 Today programme Professor Jean Golding OBE on the study's 30th anniversary  
April 2021 BBC Points West Professor Nic Timpson and two participants talk about our COVID-19 work and long Covid study (YouTube)  
April 2021 Epigram Understanding the second wave: COVID-19 antibody testing in Bristol  
February 2021 BBC online Long Covid: Children of the 90s join nationwide study  
November 2020 Channel 4 Food Unwrapped Investigates: How dangerous is fussy eating?  
October 2020 The Guardian Early developers more likley to self-harm as teanagers   
October 2020 BBC Points West Coronavirus: Children of the 90s team to study exposure in young people  
October 2020 ITV Westcountry News 5,000 people in Bristol to take COVID-19 antibody test  
August 2020 BBC online Scientists target coronavirus immunity puzzle  
August 2020 Science Daily High intensity physical activity in early life could lead to stronger bones in adulthood  
July 2020 Blog Why my body has been studied for science my whole life  (Rachel Recommends blog)  
July 2020 The Mail Online Children as young as eight can show susceptibility to type 2 diabetes  
July 2020 The Times

Risk of adult diabetes can be seen in Children aged eight

June 2020 Mail Online

Anxiety rates have doubled in young people during Britain's COVID-19 crisis, study claims

June 2020 BBC Points West

Young people more anxious during COVID-19 lockdown (Facebook)

June 2020 BBC News Online

Coronavirus: Young people more 'anxious during lockdown'

June 2020 Heart FM

Interview with a participant about second COVID-19 questionnaire (Facebook)

June 2020 ITV news

Researchers look at link between COVID-19 and cardiovascular diseases

May 2020 Mail Online

Children with just one university-educated parent are the equivalent of a school year ahead of those from less qualified families

May 2020 Bristol Live

6,000 people take part in 'groundbreaking' Bristol coronavirus study

May 2020 Somerset Live

How a Somerset mum is helping others in 'vital' study to understand coronavirus and its impact

May 2020 Independent

Children with autistic traits more likely to develop an eating disorder

Apr 2020 Daily Mail

Children of women who drink while pregnant are 17 per cent more likely to develop depression as teenagers

Apr 2020 BBC Radio Bristol

Professor Nic Timpson discusses our COVID-19 questionnaire with Ali Vowles (YouTube)

Apr 2020 BBC Points West (video)

Professor Nic Timpson explains how our COVID-19 questionnaire will help us understand more about the outbreak (YouTube)

Apr 2020 BBC Online

Coronavirus: Children of the 90s team to study outbreak

Mar 2020 TES

Genetic tests cannot predict achievement

Feb 2020 Daily Mail

Teenagers who sit for hours a day are more likely to get depression at 18

Feb 2020 The Conversation

Domestic violence: girls who grow up in deprived areas at increased risk

Feb 2020

Study determines prevalence of fatty liver disease and fibrosis among young adults in the UK

Dec 2019 The Telegraph

Some boys are problem gamblers by 17 as one in eight admit regularly betting

Nov 2019 P&T Community

Hyperanxious Pregnant Women May Have Hyperactive Kids

Nov 2019 BBC Onine

Short sightedness: Genetic test could help at-risk children

Nov 2019  Hindustan Times

Women in poor neighbourhoods face more violence, says study


October 2019

BBC online Bristol 'study of life' gets £8m boost to continue work  

October 2019

BBC Radio Bristol Ali Vowles in conversation with Professor Nic Timpson, Professor George Davey Smith, Professor Jean Golding OBE and participants, Nancy and Tim  

September 2019

The Guardian How a pioneering study of child health has influenced a generation of parents  

September 2019

Sky News Adult type 2 diabetes markers found in kids as young as eight  

September 2019

The Conversation Taking paracetamol during pregnancy may affect the child’s behaviour in early years  

August 2019

The Conversation Teens who hit puberty later could face bone health issues in later life  

August 2019

Mail Online

Children who overeat, pick at meals or are fussy when it comes to food are 'more likely to be anorexic or binge as teenagers'


June 2019

Irish Times Five essential tips for a healthy liver  
June 2019 Mail Online Obese teenagers show sign of heart disease that are usually only seen in older people, study reveals  
May 2019 Food Navigator (USA) Study looks into whether picky eating habits follow a child into adolesence   
April 2019 The Guardian Experts warn of fatty liver disease 'epidemic' in young people  
April 2019 BBC Points West Bristol families continue to give the world unique health information (video)  family; children
April 2019 BBC Online Pregnant women less likely to smoke than their mothers  family; children
March 2019 Dentistry Today Researchers uncover the genetic roots of mouth ulcers  
March 2019 Bristol 247 Bristol researchers' first long term look at how to predict suicide in young people  
February 2019 Daily Mail Depression and self harm is higher in teenagers of the facebook generation who grew up in social media boom than those a decade ago  
February 2019 BBC Online Adolescent health: Teens 'more depressed and sleeping less'  
February 2019 Irish Examiner 'Thinking positively during pregenancy 'could influence child's academic success'  
February 2019 Thinking Positively During Pregnancy May Help Your Kids With These Crucial School Subjects, Study Finds  
February 2019 TES 'Pupils' ability linked to mothers attitude during pregnancy'  
January 2019 The Versed Is Your BMI really an accurate measure of good health?  
January 2019 Scarymommy LGBTQ kids and teens are 4 times more likely to self-harm  
December 2018 New York Post Study finds depression link between fathers and daughters  
December 2018 The Guardian Depression of fathers and their daughters linked, study finds  
December 2018 Thisisinsider BMI may be a better measure of health than previously thought  
December 2018 The Times The eight simple fitness tests we should all be doing every month  
November 2018 CNN Mothers drinking may have harmed 1 in 5 Britons  
October 2018 Bristol Post What is it really like being a father in Bristol?  
August 2018 Huffington Post Relax parents, your fussy eating toddler will still grow up to be healthy  
July 2018 Bristol 247 9 Ways Bristol's Research And Teaching Has Helped Shape The NHS  
June 2018 NIHR Drive and tenacity: How Jean Golding has helped us understand the health of three generations  
June 2018 Parenting Science Gang How have 14,500 Bristol babies changed science? Q&A with Suzi Gage  
April 2012 The Guardian The Bristol babies who are unlocking the secrets of life  
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