Key dates for accommodation applications

Find out when you can apply for University accommodation and when you will receive an offer.

Dates for guaranteed applications 

Find out if you are eligible for our accommodation guarantee.

Applications open: 5 March 2024. 

Applications close: 30 June 2024. 

Applications will remain open until 31 July 2024 but students will not be guaranteed an accommodation offer if they apply after 30 June 2024.

Receiving your accommodation offer

Offers for postgraduates will start from 9 July 2024 on a rolling basis. 

If your offer of study was unconditional when you applied for accommodation, you will receive your accommodation offer on: 16 July 2024. 

If your offer of study was conditional on exam results when you applied for accommodation, you will receive your accommodation offer on: 15 August 2024. 

Returner applications 

Find out if you qualify for returner accommodation.

Applications open: 5 March 2024. 

Applications close: 27 March 2024.

Offers for returners will be sent on: 16 April 2024. 

Non-guaranteed applications 

Learn more about non-guaranteed applications.

Applications open: 15 August 2024. 

Applications close: start of term. 

Offers for non-guaranteed students will be sent on: from 20 August 2024, sent as often as daily, depending on availability.

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