Nominations Committee of the Board

The Nominations Committee advises the Board of Trustees on matters concerning the membership of the Board and Board Committees.

On this page

Responsibilities and terms of reference

The Nominations Committee is one of the committees of the Board of Trustees.

It manages:

  • the recruitment process for trustees and appointment to certain Board and Board Committee roles
  • the appointment of certain members and officers of the Court.

For full details of the Nominations Committee's responsibilities, see Ordinance 4 - Appendix D.‌


As a group, the committee members are empowered to make decisions. They can take advice from others attending the meeting.

Members and roles

The Nominations Committee has up to 6 members.

  • Mr Jack Boyer, Chair of the Board of Trustees (Chair)
  • Professor Andrew Carr, Deputy-Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Ms Jessica Cecil, Independent Trustee
  • Dr Hazel Phillips, Member of Court
  • Ms Sarah Gilbert, Member of Court


The following staff may attend meetings and offer advice to committee members:

  • Chief Operating Officer, Registrar and University Secretary
  • Deputy University Secretary and Head of Governance 

They do not have authority to make committee decisions and are not eligible to vote in meetings.

Committee Secretary

  • Current post-holder: Helen Cole, Senior Governance Officer
  • Email:
  • Telephone: +44 (0)117 45 60586


There are currently no vacancies.

Meeting dates and paper submission deadlines 2024/25

View paper submission deadlines

View paper submission guidance

  • Friday 1 November 2024, 2pm
  • Friday 7 March 2025, 10am
  • Friday 20 June 2025, 2pm


Download minutes from previous Nominations Committee meetings.


  • 20 June 2025 (TO FOLLOW)
  • 7 March 2025 (TO FOLLOW)
  • 1 November 2024 (TO FOLLOW)


