Sustainability Volunteering Opportunities
Are you interested in sustainability and want to take action in the local community? Volunteering offers a great, time-flexible way to gain a range of transferable skills and experience working in the environmental sector. Please find internal and external opportunities below:
University of Bristol Sustainability
Green Labs – Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Volunteers (LEAV)
Green Labs is looking for students with lab experience and a passion for sustainability to conduct lab assessments for the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Framework (LEAF) as well as helping us gauge the sustainability of scientific research across the University. For more information and application details, please see the Laboratory Efficiency Assessment Volunteers page.
This opportunity is not currently open. Keep an eye on the LEAV page and sign up for our email updates.
Green Impact Project Assistant (GIPA)
The GIPA role is for students who want to take action to improve sustainability within the University by helping departments to complete sustainable actions and achieve their Green Impact Award. Specific activities of each GIPA will depend upon the assigned department’s objectives.
This opportunity is not currently open.
Climate Action Bristol Volunteer
Climate Action Bristol (CAB) is an innovative project placing student volunteers with local organisations to develop and implement Climate Action Plans. The volunteer role will help assess the sustainability of an organisation with the aid of our bespoke on-line tool, supporting organisations to explore their impacts and therefore set out a wide range of actions, from energy use through to advocacy, to take climate action.
This opportunity is not currently open.
Pop Up Events for the Bristol Big Give
We will be running pop-up stalls to raise awareness of this project and get more donations from students. The aim is to engage students and ensure they are aware of this project happening In December-January, as well as at the end of the academic year. For more information and application details, please contact us at
University of Bristol SU & Careers Service
Bristol SU Volunteering
Bristol SU is home to many student-led volunteering projects and many societies working in this area — from conservation, helping the homeless and supporting refugees to community gardening. Students can even get support to start their own volunteering project.
Students can also browse through hundreds of charities and community groups looking to recruit volunteers via the Bristol SU website. Sign up to the Bristol SU Volunteering newsletter for opportunities delivered straight to your inbox.
Sustainability Careers
Volunteering is often an essential way to find a way into a career in Sustainability, but there is advice from the Careers Service and each year, there is a Sustainability Careers week (usually February) details at Careers Service Events.
External Opportunities
Bristol Energy Champion
Bristol Energy Network's vision is for every neighbourhood in Bristol to have an 'Energy Champion' - a local person to turn to for energy advice to champion energy saving in their community. Training will be provided to Energy Champions to help them support energy groups in the city, work with community groups wanting to run energy programmes, or start their own projects. For more information and application details, please contact the Bristol Energy Network.
Assistant thermal-imaging surveyors
The Cold Homes Energy efficiency Survey Experts (C.H.E.E.S.E) Project are looking for volunteers to help with Heatview™ thermal surveys of people's homes. For more information and application details, please see their opportunities here.