Cleaning, recycling and rubbish

Find out how often your residence will be cleaned and where to put your recycling and rubbish.


We provide recycling and composting facilities at all residences. You can recycle:

  • paper
  • cardboard
  • glass
  • tins and cans
  • plastics
  • food waste
  • clothes, shoes, fabrics

Your responsibilities

We expect you to keep your accommodation in a clean and habitable condition. This includes communal areas. You must:

  • wash up your dishes after you have used them
  • use the recycling scheme
  • despose of any rubbish bags on a regular basis using refuse waste areas indicated
  • keep general surfaces (windowsills and counters) clean and clear when not in use
  • clean all kitchen appliances after use to ensure they are free of grease, dirt, and food
  • clean bedrooms at least once every single week.

The student cleaning expectations and guidance document has some helpful information. It includes what cleaning products to use and how. This will help you know what to do to ensure you maintain a clean and healthy living environment.

Regular audits are undertaken by the staff who manage your accommodation. They will provide feedback who are not maintaining an acceptable standard of cleanliness. They may decide actions are needed such as:

  • suspending normal cleaning support services
  • suspending waste and rubbish removal.

Services will resume once you have taken appropriate action to bring standards back up.

If you leave the facility in an unacceptable standard, we may charge you for extra cleaning extra cleaning. 

You may also face action under the student disciplinary regulations


The University of Bristol does provide a cleaning support service within all residences.

The day-to-day and weekly cleaning of your accommodation is still your responsibility. This extends to kitchen cleaning, rubbish disposal and washing up.

There is a standard service level that our cleaning staff follow across all residences. We still expect you to play an active role in making sure that all areas are also maintained to meet this standard.

Cleaning support services will be different, depending on where you live.

Your residence guide 

To find out the location of the recycling bins and the cleaning schedule for your residence, refer to your Residence guide.

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