Completed research
Impact and change
- Learning Disabilities Mortality Review Programme (LeDeR)
- Confidential inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities (CIPOLD)
- Seminar Series: International comparison of mortality data about people with intellectual disabilities
Parents with learning disabilities
- Fathers with Learning Disabilities
- Working Together with Parents Network - Bridge to Mainstream
- Evaluation of the Parent Pioneers Project
Social care
- Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered disabled men and women and self-directed social care support
- The Values of Assessment
- Indirect Payments
- Outcomes in Social Care Assessments (OSCA)
- Exploring the relationships between social care practitioners, service users, community care lawyers and the law.
- Support Planning in Practice
- Liberty, equality, capacity: The impact of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) on human rights and social care practice
Law and criminal justice
Disabled people and community
Young disabled people
Access to Independent Advocacy
The need for independent advocacy.
- Report (PDF, 1,301kB)
- Summary (PDF, 270kB)
- Easy read summary (PDF, 1,505kB)
- Framework for research (PDF, 1,103kB)
An Independent Evaluation of the Kingfishers Project
Home Farm Trust Carers Consultation 2008 for a supported living scheme near Stroud, run by the NCH, for 18-24 year olds. The project was helped by the Listening Partnership, a group of young disabled people in Bristol.
Befriending: more than just finding friends
Better for the Break
The cost and effectiveness of employing salaried support carers to reduce waiting lists for short-term care.
Better Rewards
The cost and effectiveness of employing salaried support carers to reduce waiting lists for short-term care.
Bridging the Divide
The experiences of young people with learning disabilities and their families at transition. Carried out in partnership with HFT (the Home Farm Trust)
Crossing the Line
A research project on the interface between mental health and learning disability services.
Development of a survey on services for disabled children
Commissioned by the Department for Children, Schools and Families
Direct payments for young disabled people
Disability Data Collection for Children’s Services
Promoting Disability Equality in Schools
Examples of public involvement in social care research
In partnership with School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol
Finding the right help
Guidance for the development of materials and activities to promote positive parenting and safeguarding by parents with learning disabilities
Finding the Right Support?
A review of issues and positive practice in supporting parents with learning disabilities and their children
Have your say about college
A local project for the South West Learning and Skills Council looking at the experience of further education for young people with learning disabilities in Somerset.
Having a good day?
A study of community-based day activities for people with learning disabilities.
Help to Move On
Better pathways at transition for young people with learning disabilities at residential school or college.
Hidden Pain
The perspectives of people with learning disabilities who self injure.
Information for All
Further information is available at the on-line documents section of the website.
Listen to what I want
A study carried out for the Social Care Institute for Excellence about the implications of the Mental Capacity Act (2005) for major decision-making by people with learning disabilities.
Making a Difference
Exploring the impact of multi-agency working on disabled children with complex health care needs.
Making Valuing People work
Strategies for change in services for people with learning disabilities: an examination of the early implementation of the Valuing People White Paper
Medication Matters
Understandings of psychotropic medications by people with learning disabilities prescribed this treatment.
Mind the Gap
Meeting the mental health needs of young people with learning disabilities in Somerset.
Money, Rights and Risks
A scoping review of key issues in relation to financial exclusion, money and access to financial services.
Participation in Education
Disabled children and special educational needs decision making.
Providing the Right Support?
An evaluation of the North East Parent Support (NEPS) service and the Walsall Parents' Advocacy service
Putting us First
Personalisation in mental health services - direct payments and individual budgets.
Risk: the role of difference
Carried out in collaboration with the Centre for Housing Policy (University of York), an ESRC funded study, looking at how different social groups (including disabled people) think about risks to their financial security. Risk: the role of difference report (External link)
Screening Services Strategy Toolkit
Improving the uptake of screening services by people with learning difficulties across the South West peninsula.
Strategy and Toolkit (PDF, 880kB)
‘Secret Loves, Hidden Lives: Issues for gay, lesbian and bisexual people with learning difficulties’.
Further information is available at the on-line documents section of the website.
Shaping our Future: a scoping and consultation exercise to determine research priorities in Learning Disability for the next ten years
Skills for Support
Communication skills of personal assistants working with people with learning disabilities.
Support for Living?
The impact of the Supporting People programme on housing and support for adults with learning disabilities.