A to Z policies, procedures and guidance

We are in the process of moving information for staff to the Staff and PGR intranet. In the meantime, you can still find policies, procedures and guidance below.

Our formal policies, procedures and guidance support how you work at the University, and let you know where to get help if you need it. We regularly review our policies to make sure they are inclusive.

For current vacancies and staff benefits, see our working at Bristol pages.

Policies, procedures and guidance A to Z hidden keywords

Absence and health policy and guidance, including supporting mental health - this replaces the sickness absence policy

time off, unwell, ill, leave, medical, appointments, unpaid, paid

Academic Leadership Allowances (Office document, 70kB)


Acceptable behavior at work policy and guidance (PDF, 79kB)

conduct, misconduct 
Adoption policy, including surrogacy arrangements (staff access only) home, family, fostering, leave, paid, unpaid
Alcohol and substance misuse policy wellbeing, drugs
Annual leave  holiday
Anti-corruption and bribery policy (PDF, 579kB)  
Associates policy recruitment
Bereavement, emergency dependant and carers leave policy and guidance (staff access only) compassionate, home, family, leave, paid, unpaid
Blended working policy and guidance (staff access only) home, flexible, hybrid
Campus Internships Scheme (PDF, 113kB)  

Capability (ill health) procedure - previously Ordinance 31, this is now Ordinance 10. The policy has not changed.

health, absence 

Capability (performance) procedure - previously Ordinance 29, this is now Ordinance 10. The policy has not changed.

Career break scheme leave, absence, unpaid
Carers at work home, family, caring
Casual and short term staff - guidance for managers temporary, tss
Childcare voucher scheme and tax-free childcare (staff access only) home, family, children, nursery
Clinical academic staff  

Conduct procedure - previously Ordinance 28, this is now Ordinance 10. The policy has not changed.


Conflict of Interest - Outside work policy

Cultivating research-rich education and teaching excellence (CREATE) policy personal and professional skills 
Dealing with the death or serious injury of a staff member (PDF, 135kB) accidents, first aid and emergencies 
Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) and criminal convictions policy, procedures and guidance  
Discretionary point scheme  merit, reward, pay rise

Dismissal - some other substantial reason - previously Ordinance 30, this is now Ordinance 10. The policy has not changed.

Emeritus professor status  resign, retirement
Ethics of research policy and procedure  
Fertility policy (staff access only) home, family, ivf, iui
Fixed-term contracts policy and guidance recruitment, getting approval to recruit
Flexible retirement guidance (USS) (staff access only) pension 
Flexible working policy and guidance (staff access only) work-life balance
Foster care guidance (staff access only) adoption, home, family
Grade M procedures promotion, progression, job evaluation, descriptions
Grievance procedure for staff grievances  
Honorary and visiting academic status  
Information security  IT, data
International mobility policy for staff travel, overseas
Interview expenses policy travel cost

Initial service review procedure - previously Ordinance 26, this is now Ordinance 10. The policy has not changed.

new, probation 
Jury service and witness policy leave, absence, court
Leaving the University procedure resignation, resigning
Menopause guidance (staff access only) wellbeing 
Maternity policy and guidance (staff access only) leave, home, family, parents, paid, unpaid
On-call (out of hours) policy (staff access only) emergency rota
Operating principles for HR employment - previously Ordinance 25, this is now Ordinance 10. The policy has not changed.  
Organisational Change  organisation, change
Parental leave policy (staff access only) home, family, parents, leave, paid, unpaid
Parents and carers initiatives and guides home, family
Paternity and partner leave policy (staff access only) home, family, parents
Part-time teachers hpt
Pensions - accessing your pension benefits retirement

Pension salary exchange scheme


Pregnancy loss support guidance

home, family, bereavement

Prevention of Sexual Harassment Policy (PDF, 152kB)


Preventing Sexual Harassment Risk Assessment Guidance (PDF, 198kB)

Promotion to Senior Lecturer / Senior Research Fellow promotion, progression 
Promotion to Associate Professor and Professor promotion, progression  
Public duties and volunteering, including volunteer reserve forces leave and absence, public duties, volunteering
Reasonable workplace adjustments for staff with disabilities  

Recruitment and selection guidance

hiring, advertising, interviews
Recruitment and retention supplements pay, salary
Redeployment policy and guidance URP, redundancy

Redundancy procedure - previously Ordinance 27, this is now Ordinance 10. The policy has not changed.

URP, redundancy
References and how to write them  
Relocation expenses policy  
Removal from an additional post dismissal
Research governance and integrity policies and guidance  ethics 
Research leave and leave of absence (academic staff) absence, training, study, leave, paid, unpaid

Returning carers' scheme

home, family, parents, award, funding, academic, research
Rules of conduct for staff misconduct, behaviour
Secondments policy (PDF, 176kB) personal professional skills 
Sexual Misconduct and Personal Relationships Guidance (PDF, 129kB) sexual, relationship
Shared parental leave policy and guidance (staff access only) home, family, parents, leave, paid, unpaid
Staff mental health and wellbeing strategy (PDF, 4,780Kb)  
Starting salaries salary
Stress management for work-related stress wellbeing, health
Study Leave policy (support staff) (PDF, 156kB) absence, leave, unpaid, paid  
Support for Ex-Service Veterans and Reservists armed forces, military 
Teaching activities for research staff (Pathway 2 Academics)‌ academic
Teaching support roles (hourly paid) recruitment, job evaluation description
Term-time and seasonal working (staff access only) flexible
Trans and non-binary staff inclusion policy and guidance‌ equality, diversity
Undergraduate students employment hours - guidance for managers (PDF, 123kB)  
UK visas and immigration information for managers and staff overseas, international
University Sexual Misconduct Policy (PDF, 169kB) sexual
Whistleblowing policy grievance
Wolfson Awards for outstanding scientists salary enhancement
Work experience placements apprenticeships, placements 
Working time regulations and workload agreement