Your offer

Student experience and study in 2023/24

Find out about studying at Bristol for the 2023/24 academic year.

Fees and funding

Find out about the costs of studying at university and how we can help you find funding for a postgraduate programme.

International students

If you're an international student and we have made you offer, find out about applying for a visa and pre-sessional courses.

Finding somewhere to live

Start thinking about where you will live at university. We provide advice and guidance on the different types of accommodation available.

The University makes two types of offer:

  • Unconditional offer: you are guaranteed entry.
  • Conditional offer: your entry to the University depends on meeting the requirements specified in your offer. These could include meeting the English language requirement, completing your degree at a specific level, or providing further information.

You will receive an email from us when a decision has been made on your application. Log in to your applicant portal to see the decision and download your offer letter (if applicable).

Respond to your offer 

You can accept or decline your offer by selecting Respond to Offer. You can view the full details of your offer and click Print to download your offer as a PDF document. 

Pay a deposit to secure your place 

If you are required to pay a deposit, you can view the deposit amount, the deadline to pay, and make your payment in the applicant portal.

Upload evidence for conditions 

If your offer is conditional, you can upload evidence showing you meet the conditions of your offer in your applicant portal. We will review your evidence and update your offer with our decision. If you meet the full terms of your offer, we will accept the offer on your behalf to update the offer to unconditional.   

Request a different start date 

Some programmes allow offer holders to request a different start date. All requests are subject to approval and are not guaranteed.

Postgraduate taught programmes

You can request to defer your start date to the next academic year if:

  • you have not already deferred your place;
  • you have an unconditional offer;
  • you have accepted your offer;
  • you have paid any required deposit.

You must request your deferral on your Applicant Portal by 31 July.

Postgraduate research programmes

You can request to defer your start date to a different month or year if:

  • the programme you have applied for allows deferrals;
  • you have a conditional or unconditional offer.
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