CLA Designated Persons Guidance


Broadly the CLA licence permits the making and supply of photocopies and scans from copyright protected books, journals and magazines that are owned or subscribed to by the University.  These can be distributed or delivered to cohorts of undergraduate or postgraduate students enrolled on a Course of Study.  In some cases a single copy can be provided to third party funders too.  For more information please refer to the CLA Guidance.

Scans required for teaching should be requested through the Library's Reading Lists service: 

What are the consequences of not complying?

Staff and students must comply with the terms of the CLA licence. A summary of the consequences of not complying is available. 

Designated Persons’Responsibilities

As a Designated Person it is your responsibility to administer and oversee compliance with the CLA licence in your School, principally in respect of scanning but also to raise awareness of the CLA Licence generally. This will include:

  • Disseminating information and raising awareness within your School about the existence of the licence, the required procedures and what guidance is available
  • Carrying out (or delegating) the act of scanning (if scanning is to be outsourced outside the University there are additional compliance requirements, please see the Licence or contact the Secretary’s Office for details)
  • Undertaking the actions set out in the checklist 
  • Attaching the Copyright Notice (Office document, 15kB) in a prominent place, or have it displayed before the Digital Copy is viewed – this is a “must” under the licence.  For commercial copies permitted by the Licence, you must include the Copyright Legend (Office document, 13kB) on every Digital Copy
  • Ensure that scans are of good quality: correctly orientated, no obstructions to the text, clear and readable
  • Placing copyright notices on your School's scanners and photocopies
  • Keeping a record on the Digital Record Form of each and every scanned copy made – this is a “must” under the terms of the licence and an entry is required on the Digital Record Form irrespective of the means (e.g. VLE, CD-ROM, Powerpoint presentation) used to deliver the Digital Copy to students on a Course of Study. Each time a Course of Study is delivered to a fresh intake of students, the Digital Copy prepared must be reported on the Digital Record Form
  • Completing the Digital Record Form (Office document, 452kB) for your School/Department and providing this electronically to the Secretary’s Office as soon as possible when requested to do so – providing this to the CLA is a “must” under the licence. You will be asked to complete the Reporting Confirmation Sheet (Office document, 17kB) each time too. The CLA provides guidance on completing the Digital Record Form.
  • Keep up-to date with the repertoire information available on the CLA website and emailed round. If items are removed from the repertoire they may have to be removed from the Course Collection immediately and in any event at the end of that Academic Year
  • Reviewing each Course Collection with Course Administrators at the end of each “session” and to “weed out” material that is no longer required, checking that material to be retained still complies with the terms of the licence and is reported
  • Liaising with the Secretary’s Office if there is a proposed change in the person holding the function of Designated Person in your School.


Further advice and guidance

Further advice may be sought from the University Secretary's Office, as below:

Clare Smith - Associate Director of Legal Services
Tel: (0117) 928 8916 (Internal: 88916)

Rachel Paterson - Senior University Lawyer
Tel: (0117) 928 8093 (Internal: 88903)

Guidance on copyright including the photocopying and scanning guidelines is also available on the Secretary’s Office website.