Disciplinary procedures help encourage members of staff to achieve and maintain standards of behaviour and performance. They also help to ensure that disciplinary offences or matters of poor performance are dealt with fairly and consistently. Advice should be sought from the Faculty Human Resources Manager on any issue related to disciplinary offences or procedures.
Advice on disciplinary procedures for academic staff can be given by the General Counsel and Deputy University Secretary.
Most disciplinary matters are dealt with informally in departments, with advice from Human Resources. However if matters become more serious, advice may be sought from the Secretary's Office, which deals with disciplinary tribunals established by Council under Statute 33.
Student discipline is dealt with by the General Counsel and Deputy University Secretary.
Most student disciplinary matters are dealt with locally, by schools or in halls of residence. Where an allegation is serious, a complaint may be made through the University Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor under the Student Disciplinary Regulations, which are part of the Student rules and regulations.