Frequently asked questions

Domestic abuse group programme for men

Is REPROVIDE still recruiting during the Coronavirus period?

YES! The REPROVIDE study trialling a group intervention for men is still open to recruitment.

Please continue to send referrals to the research team through the usual channels (phone 07976 22 5462 or 07870 376 548 or email

Why are we still recruiting?

We recognise that during the Coronavirus/COVID-19 period of increased stress, uncertainty, home confinement and isolation, domestic abuse is likely to increase. We therefore feel that as far as possible, it is important that domestic abuse services provide support to men wanting to change their abusive behaviour and to their (ex)-partners. The REPROVIDE study is continuing to recruit men as before (although with the important changes below). This means that as well as recruiting participants, we will be asking them to complete questionnaires and offering services to those randomly allocated to our 23-week domestic abuse perpetrator programme.

Modifications during COVID-19

The group intervention is currently continuing in line with government COVID-19 restrictions. All groups have been risk assessed and follow social distancing guidelines with extra COVID-secure precautions. The REPROVIDE team and partner sites delivering the group programme are constantly monitoring changes to restrictions in all areas to ensure that the groups continue to run where safe and legal to do so. 

Female partners and ex partners of men allocated to receive the intervention: Support to these partners will continue to be offered as normal, using remote methods where necessary.

Safe recruitment methods to the study have been put in place, using phone, Skype, WhatsApp. These will be used during the COVID-19 period.

Safeguarding – we will continue to monitor risk and safeguarding concerns with all our participants and contact the appropriate authorities and agencies where needed.


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