Multimorbidity and long term conditions
Current projects
- DePICtion: (Diabetes in Primary Care – Improving Classification. Beverley Shields, Angus Jonesm Nadeem Qureshi, Katrina Turner, John Campbell. NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2023 to 2025).
- Improving review appointments for people with long-term conditions: Personalised Primary care for Patients with Multimorbidity (PP4M). Salisbury C, Johnson R, Mann C, Coope C, Chilcott S, Jinks C, Dziedzic K, Finney A, Moult A, Paskins Z, Portillo MC, Lippiett K, Byng R, Turner A, Horwood J, McLeod H, de Vocht F, Scrimgeour G. Funder: National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR).
- Developing evidence based optimal testing strategies to monitor long term conditions in primary care. Whiting P, Hay A, Jones H, Sterne J, Watson J, Thom H, Hollingworth W, Banks J, Thomas C, Stokes C, Palma F. Funder: National Institute for Health Research (1 Jan 2021-31 Dec 2025)
- Improving diabetes classification in primary care. Shields B, Campbell J, Qureshi N, Jones A, Turner K (Co-applicant and lead for the qualitative workstream), Evans P. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2022-2024).
- Understanding Measurement of Postural Hypotension in Primary Care. Clark C, McDonagh S, Sheppard J, Able Gary, Payne R, Turner K, McManus R Campbell J. NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2022-2023)
- Maximising Wellbeing in Everyday Life with Long-term Conditions (MaxWELL). Mann C, Johnson R, Salisbury C, Horwood J, De Vocht F, Barnes R and McLeod H. Funder: Research Capability Funding from Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire CCG (Sept 2020-Aug 2021)
- Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of text message and endowment incentives for weight management in men with obesity: the game of stones randomised controlled trial. Hoddinott P (PI), Harris F, Turner K, Dombrowksi S, Elders A, Avenell A, Gray C, Kee F, MacLennan G, Hunt K, van der Pol M, McKinley M. Funder: National Institute for Health Research (2020-2024).
- Improving Medicines use in People with Polypharmacy in Primary Care. Payne R, Salisbury C Round J, Heawood A, Dreischulte T, Morris R, Jameson C, Guthrie B, Chew-Graham C. (IMPPP). Funder: NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (2018-2022)
- The Prepare Multi-Morbid Older People for End-stage Kidney Disease Trial (PrepareME). Caskey F., Lane A, Donovan J, Abbott A, Rooshenas L, Murtagh F, Salisbury C, Murphy E, Chilcot J, Roderick P, Ben-Shlomo Y, Farrington K, Rayner H, Burns A, Davies S, Coast J, Huxtable R, MacNeill S, Gibson A. Funder: NIHR Health Technology Assessment (2017-2022)
Completed projects
- ATLANTIS: Amitriptyline at Low-dose and Titrated for Irritable Bowel Syndrome as Second-line Treatment: A Double-blind Placebo-controlled Trial. Ford A (Co-Chief Investigator), Everitt H (Co-Chief Investigator), Ridd M, Bishop, F, Farrin A, Foy R, Alderson S, Muir D, Guthrie E, Hartley S, Chaddock M. Funder: NIHR Health Technology Assessment (2018-2022)
- TRIUMPH: TReating Urinary symptoms in Men in Primary Healthcare using non-pharmaceutical and non-surgical interventions. Drake M, Ridd M, Fader M, Taylor G, Lane A, Rees J, Hashim H, MacNeill S, Cotterill N, Noble S, Hackshaw-McGeagh L, Robles L. NIHR HTA. (2017-2021)
- Quantifying severity of chronic conditions in English Primary Care using the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Kontopantelis E, Salisbury C et al. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2017-2019)
- Managing symptoms of fibromyalgia in Primary Care. Horwood, J. Brant, H. Farr, M. Artz, G. Walsh, N. Funded by NIHR ARC West (2017-2019)
- Writing a letter to my breath: how to talk to your patients about breathlessness. Malpass A. Wellcome Trust 'Life of Breath'.
- Understanding the volume and content of general practice consultations: the 5th National Morbidity Study. Salisbury C, Hobbs R et al. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2016-2017)
- 3D Study - improving whole patient care. Salisbury C, Mann C, Hollinghurst S, Heawood A, Bower P, Mercer S, Guthrie B. Funder: NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research (2014-2017)
- Prevalence, pattern and correlates multimorbidity in primary care setting: an exploratory study in Odisha, India. Pati S, Kadam S, Hussain A, Salisbury C. Funder: PHFI-UKC Wellcome Trust programme (2012-2014)
- Expanding the role of NHS Direct in the management of long term conditions. Salisbury C, Nicholl J, O’Cathain A, Pope C, Hollinghurst S, Montgomery A, Young H, Large S, Lewis G, Yardley L, Brownsell S, Fahey T. Funder: NIHR Programme Grant (2009-2014)
- The impact of multimorbidity on the use of resources in primary care. Hollinghurst S, Salisbury C, Purdy S, Windmeijer F, Gravelle H. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2010-2013)
- Complex consultations. The impact of multimorbidity on consultations. Salisbury C, Stewart K, Purdy S, Ridd M, Sibbald B, Valderas J, Blakemore T. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2009-2011)
- Systematic review of measures of multimorbidity. Salisbury C, Huntley A, Johnson R, Purdy S. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2009-2010)
- Multimorbidity and implications for provision of primary health care. Salisbury C, Purdy S, Montgomery A, Johnson R. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research (2007-2008)
- Early Intervention in Fatigue: feasibility study. O’Dowd H, Crawley E, Ingram J, Montgomery M, Hollingworth W, Sterne J, Macleod J. Funder: NIHR Research for Patient Benefit South West
Understanding and improving the management of chronic kidney disease in primary care. Horwood J, Feder G, Kennedy A, Blakeman T, Locock L, Murray E. Funder: NIHR School for Primary Care Research