Financial capability, behaviours and wellbeing

Financial capability is the ability to manage money well and – where possible – to build financial resilience for difficult times. Many internal and external factors influence an individual’s ability to engage in financially effective behaviours that can improve financial and wider wellbeing.


Financial wellbeing and ethnicity: Household finances in the UK by ethnic group (PDF, 1,102kB) (part of the Series:  Financial Fairness Tracker)
Katie Cross, Jamie Evans and Sharon Collard

Understanding the role of savings in promoting positive wellbeing
Jamie Evans and Sara Davies

Bumpy road to recovery - Household financial wellbeing in May 2024 (PDF, 2,318kB) (part of the series: Financial Fairness Tracker)
Jamie Evans, Katie Cross and Sharon Collard

Beyond individual responsibility – towards a relational understanding of financial resilience through participatory research and design
Anne Angsten Clark, Sara Davies, Richard Owen and Keir Williams

Scottish household finances: An overview of financial wellbeing in Scotland (PDF, 1,134kB) (part of the series: Financial Fairness Tracker)
Jamie Evans and Sharon Collard


Turning a corner? The financial wellbeing of UK households in October 2023 (part of the series: Financial Fairness Tracker)
Jamie Evans, Katie Cross and Sharon Collard

The financial wellbeing of disabled people in the UK
Jamie Evans, Sharon Collard, Ellen Fruijtier, Hayley Dawson, Luis Campos Ferreira and Eric Harris

Focus on housing - Exploring the financial wellbeing of different tenure groups (PDF, 914kB) (part of the series: Tracking the financial impact of the pandemic and cost of living crisis)
Jamie Evans and Sharon Collard

The 'new normal' - The financial wellbeing of households in May 2023 (PDF, 973kB) (part of the series: Tracking the financial impact of the pandemic and cost of living crisis)
Jamie Evans and Sharon Collard

The financial wellbeing of Scottish households (PDF, 913kB) (part of the series: Tracking the financial impact of the pandemic and cost of living crisis)
Jamie Evans and Sharon Collard

The financial costs of Cystic Fibrosis
Jamie Evans, Sara Davies and Katie Cross

The intersecting impacts of mental ill-health and money problems on the financial wellbeing of people from ethnic minority communities
Jamie Evans, Thomas Richardson, Katie Cross, Sara Davies, Peter Phiri, Nick Maguire and Rachel Jenkins


Prices rising, temperatures falling (PDF, 1,225kB)
Jamie Evans and Sharon Collard

From mothers for mothers - supporting financial resilience through user-centred services
Anne Angsten Clark, Sharon Collard, Sara Davies (University of Bristol); Rahana Davis, Valerie Davis, Claire Royall, James Berry (community researchers / Great Western Credit Union)

Community-centred services support residents to build financial resilience
Anne Angsten Clark, Sharon Collard, Caitlin Holme and Daniella Jenkins (University of Bristol); Moustapha Ahmed, Claudia Dimitriu, Elmi Duucale and Iqbal Osman (community researchers); Lisa Dora and Hari Ramakrishnan (Boost Community).

Analysing the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19: a new regional geography or pandemic enhanced inequalities?
Katie Cross, Jamie Evans, Julie MacLeavy and David Manley

Tracking the financial impact of a pandemic on UK households


Developing a theory of change and evaluation plan for your resource (PDF, 3,039kB)
Andrea Finney


Measuring Financial Capability in Children and Young People (PDF, 3,390kB)
Tom Clarke and Andrea Finney


Financial capability and retirement

Financial Well-being: A Conceptual Model and Preliminary Analysis
Elaine Kempson, Andrea Finney and Christian Poppe

Savings evidence review
Money Advice Service


Defining, measuring and predicting financial capability in the UK
Andrea Finney

The Momentum Household Financial Wellness Index


Analysis of the 2008-10 Wealth and Assets Survey

Hard Times: Financial wellbeing among low and middle earners
Andrea Finney, David Hayes and Yvette Hartfree

What makes the wealthy wealthy? The composition of wealth across the wealth distribution and its determinants
Andrea Finney

Understanding the profile of those most at risk of detriment as a result of low financial capability 
David Hayes, Sharon Collard and Elaine Kempson


Financial well-being in older age
Personal Finance Research Centre

Making decisions about work in low-income couple households 
Sharon Collard and Sara Davies


Measuring levels of financial capability and the effectiveness of financial education
World Bank, Professor Elaine Kempson (lead consultant and first author of two publications)


The financial impacts of cancer 
Andrea Finney, Sara Davies, David Hayes and Sharon Collard

Quids in: the impact of financial skills training for social housing tenants 
Sharon Collard, with Andrea Finney, David Hayes and Sara Davies


Measuring financial capability using a short survey instrument: Instruction manual
Adele Atkinson

Towards a nation of savers: understanding and overcoming the challenges to saving on a lower income
Andrea Finney and Sara Davies

Development of the Compliance Perceptions Survey
Sharon Collard and Nick Smith


Framework for the development of financial literacy baseline surveys: a first international comparative analysis
Elaine Kempson


Wealth in Great Britain - main results from the Wealth and Assets Survey 2006-08

Making decisions about work in one-earner couple households
Sharon Collard and Adele Atkinson

Saving in lower-income households: an evidence review for the Financial Inclusion Taskforce
Elaine Kempson and Andrea Finney

Attitudes towards investment choice and risk within the personal accounts scheme: report of a qualitative study
Sharon Collard and Zoey Breuer

Individual investment behaviour: a brief review of research
Sharon Collard


Exposed? Modelling patterns of financial risk amongst working-age adults using latent class analysis
Adele Atkinson and Andrea Finney

Evidence of impact: an overview of financial education evaluations
Adele Atkinson

Snakes and ladders: a longitudinal study of financial difficulty
Adele Atkinson, Elaine Kempson and Sharon Collard


Financial capability in Northern Ireland
Adele Atkinson

Financial capability amongst adults with literacy and numeracy needs
Adele Atkinson

Levels of financial capability in the UK
Adele Atkinson, Stephen McKay, Sharon Collard and Elaine Kempson


Financial capability in Ireland
Sharon Collard 

Overstretched: people at risk of financial difficulties
Elaine Kempson and Adele Atkinson

Baseline survey of financial capability in the UK: results of a baseline survey
Adele Atkinson, Stephen McKay, Elaine Kempson and Sharon Collard 

Closing the savings gap? The role of the Saving Gateway
Sharon Collard and Stephen McKay


Attitudes to inheritance in Britain
Karen Rowlingson, Stephen McKay

Measuring financial capability
Elaine Kempson, Sharon Collard and Nick Moore

Introducing financial capability skills: a pilot study with Fairbridge West
Adele Atkinson

Incentives to save: Encouraging saving among low-income households (first evaluation of the Saving Gateway pilot scheme)
Elaine Kempson, Stephen McKay and Sharon Collard


Savings and life events
Stephen McKay and Elaine Kempson


Understanding small savers: saving behaviour amongst low-to-middle income groups
Claire Whyley and Elaine Kempson


Savings and low-income households
Elaine Kempson

Savings and ethnic minority households
Elaine Kempson

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